Great Sites for AI Content Creation

Naël Brichet
Digital GEMs
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2022

Whether you are a Marketing enthusiast, a content creator, or an NFT artist those websites might help you.

Artificial Intelligence has developed through the years and most of the tools or apps, you use in your everyday life, use AI to analyze, process information, and sometimes create through machine learning.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is basically what you experience when you use TikTok for the first time. At first, TikTok asks about your interest and pushes videos unto your screen. The video you watch, Like, and rewatch as well as those you ignore, or block are analyzed and recorded. Once the data is analyzed by an algorithm the next videos that are pushed to you, become in synch with your taste, and the longer you use the app, the more accurate it becomes with your taste.

Machine Learning is exactly that: algorithms that analyze through trial and error data, to provide the best results once the algorithm understands the problem it needs to solve.

Most users of TikTok experienced that phenomenon in the beginning. The app only gets interesting when the algorithm understands your viewing habits.

The advancement of Machine learning and AI, in general, is witnessed in a lot of apps and content on the internet. Indeed, it is easier today to create content, analyze data and or manage your online business without any knowledge other than good websites and or apps to help you.

Pictures taken by Naël Brichet, Busan, Korea

In this article, I will give you two websites that might help you create new content for two different tasks: writing and making videos easily.

Writing new contents with an AI

For writing content creation, you have this website Copy.Ai: which helps you create written content, description for a product, or ideas for social media content. The website uses machine learning and has more than 25 languages in which content can be created. For each idea or content, 10 different propositions can be given to you.

Source: website

This website is ideal if you struggle with finding ideas on what to copy-write or struggle with writing altogether. It also allows you to gain a great amount of time. The website offers a 7-day free trial, then it goes up to $35/month. But if you want to promote a small business or even when try yourself as a content creator on social media, the investment might interest you if the free trial was conclusive to you.

Source: website
Source: website

Making video with an AI

The next interesting website if you want to do videos is Synthesia.Io:

Source: Synthesia website

The website allows you to make videos with AI avatars. There are more than 45 different avatars, that you can use in more than 60 different languages. The content you can use this platform for varies from entertainment to educational purposes to sales pitches. The price for this platform is $30/month.

I tried using the demo version of the website to create a video with my own words. Here is the result:

For the demo video, you are limited by 200 words and can only use the avatar called Anna. But it gives you a good idea of what your videos can look like and how the avatar is used.

There are a lot of different websites that are more than interesting for content creation that uses AI nowadays. If you ever want new ideas or inspiration to start content creating on TikTok, Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, etc. those two websites might help you.

About this article

This article has been written by a student on the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminate the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.

