Paws for Thought: The global stray dog dilemma and the beacons of hope

Digital GEMs
Published in
6 min readOct 11, 2023

Navigating the murky waters of the street dog crisis to uncover compassionate solutions and unexpected human health rewards.

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Recorded by Meryem MOUSTAHSSINE

If you are the type of person who hates to see dogs on the streets and always wants to take at least a dozen of them home, you probably know about their impact on a household. Dogs are a man’s best friend, they are one of the most loyal animals and they are too often neglected or left behind to fend for themselves on the streets.

According to the Guardian, more than 100,000 dogs are abandoned in France yearly, and more than half are dumped before or during summer holidays. You would think this number is massive — and it is - but you would also be (kind of) wrong. This number is a tiny amount compared to countries such as Romania, Egypt, and Mexico, which add up to over 30 million abandoned dogs and they have gone to extreme lengths to control their ever-growing number. As you might expect, numerous factors contribute to this, including issues with waste management, poverty, and a lack of awareness.

These devastating factors are forcing countries to tackle this “issue” at all costs. In this context, you may wonder what ‘at all costs’ means, but a little patience and mental preparation are necessary.

This touching photo captures a group of Egyptian dogs on the brink of being saved and uniting with their new families. Their attitude reflect a mix of hope, excitement, and curiosity, showcasing their incredible journey from abandonment to the embrace of loving homes.
Photo of dogs waiting to be adopted from the Egypt branch of Alerte SOS. Photo provided by the association.

Stray dogs can become aggressive, cause noise problems, car accidents, and worsen the waste issues as they go about their food hunt. In Romania, a deadly bite from a stray dog on a child has prompted the government to implement a mass extermination policy. “While we can understand the reasons behind it, the methods employed are extremely barbaric,” explained Corinne Mahistra, president of the Mukitza association, to the French regional newspaper Bien Public. She added: “They are supposed to administer lethal injections, but due to a lack of resources, it is not uncommon for dogs to be killed with a shovel or by gasoline injections directly into the heart.”

The problems are so significant that these countries will go to great lengths to eliminate them efficiently and cost-effectively. Exportation to other countries has appeared as a solution. In 2018, the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that it had recently granted permission to export 4,100 stray cats and dogs to several countries. This decision follows a proposal by a prominent Egyptian MP, Margaret Azer, to export stray dogs for meat consumption to countries such as South Korea. As you may be horrified about the idea of treating pets like livestock and probably starting to visualize the cruelest methods of killing them, I see the light at the end of the tunnel here, and I don’t blame you if you don’t at this stage of your reading.

An image with a quote by Nikol PETIAU ‘’Misery has no boundaries, impacting both people and animals alike’’
Image of a quote from Nikol PETIAU, made by Lahis Müller.

A fantastic example of providing a better life for abandoned dogs and pets, in general, is the association ALERTE SOS.

Created on August 4, 2005, it is a declared association under the French government and operates on a voluntary membership basis. It has been active for about 18 years, saving around 5,000 pets, mainly cats and dogs, from the streets and working actively with other organizations in Morocco, Spain, Guadeloupe, Egypt, Mexico, Romania, and Russia.

In big cities, street dogs are more than just animals; they represent deeper societal issues. Frontier details the mark street dogs leave on city areas, and their view moves through the bigger picture of society, seeing street dogs as lone creatures and essential parts. On the other hand, helping street dogs is like sending a wave of kindness through neighborhoods, changing how people see and treat these dogs.

Frontier’s article shows how local communities change through the solid efforts of pet groups, and when you visit a community where animals get treated with respect, it usually means the people there are kind, safe, and stick together. So, helping street dogs doesn’t just stop at the dogs — it significantly impacts the whole community, making it a better place for all, people and animals alike.

You can listen to Nikol Petiau’s complete interview with Nour Bouzid and get an in-depth insight on how ALERTE SOS works here:

As an association dedicated to the welfare and rescue of stray animals, ALERTE SOS plays a vital role in addressing the issues of abandoned, abused, and homeless animals. This role covers rescuing, adopting, spreading awareness, advocating, and educating the general public.

In our conversation with Nikol Petiau, who runs Alerte SOS, I could sense her vision — every dog and cat deserves a comfortable life away from the streets in a great home, whether they come from France or foreign countries. Nikol takes practical and effective action and has made it her ultimate goal to provide the animals with the care they need, choosing countries most affected by the number of stray animals and making a real impact.

I noticed her commitment to finding a home for every pet saved, including a signed declaration, ID, proof of residence, and proof of income from the adopting family stating that they are taking care of the pet and ensuring it will be in safe hands.

A video of a home dog panicking about getting put in a cage, overwhelmed with the fear of abandon, his owner comforts him by touching him and he starts calming down.
Video made by Douae Debboun.

Adopting a dog and having its companionship can profoundly impact human health — at a basic level, dogs need walks and playful interaction, bolstering our own physical activity levels. This daily routine aids in enhancing cardiovascular health, reducing the risk of heart disease, and promoting overall physical well-being.

Harvard Medical School comprehensively depicted this symbiotic relationship between dogs and their owners. It describes the connections between humans and dogs and discusses how excellent dogs are for our health and happiness. Dogs make great friends, helping adults and kids feel calmer and more loved. This aspect of dog companionship transcends into an enhanced quality of life, where the human-canine relationship becomes a source of constant support, unconditional love, and holistic well-being, solidifying the adage that dogs are man’s best friend.

The photo captures a dog, with his little ear bandaged, radiating joy after receiving care from the veterinarian.
Photo taken by Chaimae Debboun.

In summary, there is a significant journey ahead when addressing the issue of stray dogs globally. The hope is that every nation can achieve heightened awareness and acquire the necessary resources, thus eliminating the need to import dogs. As we strive for a world akin to the Netherlands, let us collaborate closely to rescue as many as possible.

It’s important to mention that, in France, your contributions to charitable organisations and associations can be eligible for a 66% tax deduction for individuals and a 60% tax deduction for businesses for the ongoing fiscal year. You can also volunteer to temporarily host dogs or cats for a short period (starting from 15 days), saving them from euthanasia due to shelter and pound overpopulation.

You can find the contact information for the ALERTE SOS association on

Have you adopted a dog or other animal? What was your experience like and how has it changed your life for the better? Let us know in the comments below and give your advice for future animal adopters.

About this article

This article has been written by a group of students at the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.



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