The Future of Remote Work and Its Impact on Businesses and Humans

The COVID pandemic changed the way we look at remote work but what will happen in the future? Are we all headed back to the office or something else?

Fatima-Ezzahra Boussine
Digital GEMs
4 min readJul 7, 2023


In the past, remote work was not widely accepted by employers, mostly due to concerns about employee productivity and lack of supervision while working from home, the managers wouldn’t be able to monitor their output and performance. Some experts believe that remote work will become the “new normal” as more and more companies permit employees to work from home on a permanent basis.

However, analysts anticipate that the trends towards remote work brought on by the pandemic move will pass quickly. It is expected that while some businesses will start to accept and embrace remote, others will not. Instead, it’s more probable that businesses will use a hybrid model to increase flexibility which allows them to keep the benefits of remote work while still preserving some level of face-to-face interaction.

A cat sitting on a laptop

The challenges of working remotely

Another impact of the adoption of remote work on businesses is the requirement to invest in new technologies and tools. Firms must make sure that their staff has the necessary hardware and software to carry out their work effectively from home, they must also invest in virtual collaboration and communication tools to enable teams to work together remotely.

Additionally, the transition to remote work may also impact the way businesses use their real estate and office spaces. With many workers operating remotely, companies may not need as much physical office space as previously. This could result in cost savings for businesses, but it could also have an impact on the real estate markets.

Humans are definitely affected by remote work

Another factor that companies must consider in relation to remote work is the possibility of employees feeling isolated and exhausted. Both individuals and companies should be mindful of the potential consequences of remote work and take action to prevent any adverse effects.

Companies must provide opportunities for employee involvement and teamwork, such as virtual team-building exercises or other techniques, in order to meet these issues.

Employees will be able to better maintain their work-life balance if they are given the option to continue working remotely. By working remotely, they can save time on their commute. Additionally, it offers staff members a sense of unimaginable freedom and control over their time.

The effects of remote work on people can be diverse and dependent on many factors as their personal situation, whether they are able to find a balance between their work and life, the company’s guidelines and regulations regarding remote work including work hours, security measures, performance standards, and communication processes. The policies are designed to support a good work-life balance while ensuring that workers who work remotely are able to carry out their job and responsibilities effectively.

Possible consequences and potential impacts of remote work are the difficulty to separate work from personal life, loneliness and not being able to create a habit and maintain it.

It is crucial for employees to be aware of these impacts to do the necessary and take measures to reduce them, like setting boundaries, interacting with others, and prioritizing self-care (yoga, massage, coffee, meeting up with friends…).

The impact of remote work on the hiring process

The hiring process and how companies recruit and hold on to talent may also be impacted by remote employment, the need to accommodate remote interviewing and onboarding. Employees’ ability to work remotely may increase the number of candidates that businesses are able to consider for employment because they are no longer restricted to those who are prepared to leave their homes and live in another country or continent.

This adoption of remote work expands the pool of potential employees and allows companies to consider talented candidates from all over the world, leading to a diverse and inclusive environment which can result in increased morale and job satisfaction, attract more employees and encourages them to stay, this diversity can also attract customers who value these principles and cherish them.

On the other side, because employees may have more possibilities for remote work with other organizations, it can also make it harder for businesses to attract top talent.

In summary, the future of remote work is uncertain and not clear, but it is likely to remain a significant role aspect in the business world, and companies will need to adapt to this new reality and determine the ideal balance that works and suits them.

This could consist of making changes to their guidelines and how they operate, their infrastructure, listening to the needs of their employees, also by staying open, flexible, and ready to experiment for the purpose of finding the most effective way to remote work.

About this article

This article has been written by a student on the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.

