TikTok vs Search Engines: The Battle for Gen Z’s Queries

Digital GEMs
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2023
A blue background picture on which Tiktok & Search Engines (symboled as two human shadows in blue fighting). there’s a symbole of tension between them. On the left of the picture, “TikTok VS SEARCH ENGINES: The Battle for Gen Z’s Queries.
TikTok Vs Search Engines — The Battle for Gen Z’s Queries — Source: Ensemble

In a world where swiping through TikTok videos isn’t just a source of entertainment but also your primary means of finding answers, a seismic shift in how we search for information is underway. Generation Z, the digital pioneers of our time, are redefining the way we explore the vast landscape of the internet.

Buckle up as we delve into the thrilling transformation that is taking place right before our eyes. This article explores why TikTok, a platform synonymous with quick clips and catchy tunes, is positioned to overthrow traditional search engines as the go-to information hub for the next generation. Welcome to the dawn of a digital revolution!

Is Gen Z killing Google ? Young people prefer Tiktok — DW Youtube Video

Swiping for Answers: How is TikTok Reshaping Search ?

TikTok’s primary interface is built around short video clips. Users can search for content not by typing in keywords, but by scrolling through videos. This visual approach to search is more intuitive and engaging, especially for younger users who are accustomed to a video-first internet experience. Instead of reading long articles or watching lengthy videos, users can get concise and visually appealing information.

TikTok also offers concise bite-sized content that provides quick answers. This aligns with the desire for instant gratification and immediate solutions that many users, especially younger ones, seek.

Moreover, TikTok’s mobile-centric design aligns with the way younger generations access the internet. It’s readily available on smartphones, making it a quick and accessible source for information.

France 2023 — Active users, global downloads, monthly and daily engagement, and top daily choice for 15–24 age group. Vibrant visuals capture the platform’s dynamic reach, popularity, and daily influence, global downloads, monthly and daily engagement, and top daily choice for 15–24 age group. Vibrant visuals capture the platform’s dynamic reach, popularity, and daily influence.
Tiktok in Numbers — Source: Ensemble

Beyond the Algorithm: How is TikTok Changing Search for Gen Z ?

TikTok’s highly advanced algorithm stands out as one of the best for search and engagement due to its robust personalization, continuous learning, and content recommendation capabilities. By analyzing user preferences, interactions, and trends, TikTok offers highly relevant and entertaining content, fostering creativity and diversity among its users. This personalized content discovery model can often surface more relevant information or answers to users’ questions faster than traditional search engines, which rely on keywords.

Its multi-modal search options, focus on short-form content, and emphasis on instant gratification make it a preferred platform for users seeking quick, engaging, and personalized experiences, setting it apart as a formidable player in content discovery and engagement.

Understand how it works ?

TikTok’s content recommendation system uses machine learning, considering factors like user activity (such as likes, comments, and time spent on videos) to personalize the “For You” stream with videos matching individual preferences. The longer a user engages with the platform, the more finely tuned the algorithm becomes in predicting content interest. User profiles, which encompass content preferences, location, language, and device type, aid in customizing the feed. Collaborative filtering techniques are employed, suggesting content based on shared preferences with other users who have liked similar videos, enhancing the overall content discovery experience.

Google search engine X TikTok

Google and TikTok serve different purposes and have unique advantages and disadvantages. Google is a search engine known for its comprehensive and accurate information across a wide range of topics, making it ideal for research and everyday queries, but it raises privacy concerns. TikTok, a video-based social platform, offers quick entertainment and appeals to a younger audience, fostering creative expression but faces criticism for addictive content. In summary, Google excels in information retrieval, while TikTok thrives on short-form videos and community engagement, each catering to distinct user needs with their respective strengths and weaknesses.

Interview with Daniella, a Content Creator on TikTok On “TALK WITH DOUAA”.

In this interview, TikTok creator “Daniella” talked about her experience using the platform, her daily routine and her use of TikTok as a search engine for trendy information. The conversation provided an insight into the multi-faceted role TikTok plays in the lives of creators and users alike.

“TALK WITH DOUAA”: Interview with the Tiktok Content Creator Daniella.
A table with three columns and six yellow rows. The first column includes the different aspects, such as purpose, content type, user demographics, information depth and advantages. The second column includes Google’s characteristics and the third column includes TikTok’s characteristics. For both Google and TikTok platforms, each line describes the associated aspects.
Google Vs TikTok

Concerns related to the use of TikTok as a search engine

TikTok recognizes the importance of combatting misinformation by removing offending content and partnering with experts. However, concerns persist as citizen journalism on the platform blurs the lines between information and misinformation, with research revealing that nearly 20% of TikTok videos covering critical news topics contain inaccurate information.

The platform’s data collection algorithm, used for personalization and ad targeting, has faced scrutiny due to concerns about ties to the Chinese government and sharing data with third-party advertisers.

Legal and regulatory challenges, such as GDPR in Europe, have resulted in fines and lawsuits, particularly related to data collection from young users. Recent security and data protection issues have prompted stricter rules and potential bans in some countries. Users vary in their response, with some remaining loyal, while others become more cautious and seek greater data transparency and control.

How to make the most of TikTok as an Effective Search

Use Relevant Hashtags

When searching for specific content or topics, make use of relevant hashtags in the search bar. This will help narrow down your search results and find content that aligns with your interests or queries. For example, if you’re looking for cooking tips, use hashtags like #CookingTips, #Recipes, or #FoodHacks to find related content.

Follow and Engage

After finding content that you enjoy, consider following the creators and engaging with their posts by liking, commenting, and sharing. This will help TikTok’s algorithm better understand your preferences and show you more content that aligns with your interests.

Diversify Your Search Terms

Don’t limit yourself to a single keyword or phrase ! Using different keywords can yield varying results. Experiment with different search terms to discover a wider range of content and perspectives related to your interests.

By following these tips, you can enhance your TikTok search experience and discover content that resonates with your interests and preferences.

Whether you’re a devoted TikTok enthusiast or a seasoned Google searcher, make it a point to navigate the digital world consciously.

Embrace the strengths of each platform, but also advocate for responsible content, data privacy, and transparency.

Share your experiences, insights, and concerns with your online community and demand platforms to prioritize accuracy and user privacy.

Together, we can shape a more responsible and informed digital future.

Join the conversation, take action, and make your online presence count !

About this article

This article has been written by a group of students at the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.



Digital GEMs

Group Members: Douaa, Meryem, Sarah, Maya, Yassine