EIGHT Fantastic Feline Digital Gadgets for Seriously Cool Cats

Digital GEMs
Published in
5 min readOct 12, 2023

The ultimate guide for modern cat owners.

A woman looking at picture of a cat yawning on her computer.

Cats, the majestically evil creatures we need to salvage our mental health after a long day of corporate exploitation. Can’t live with them, can’t live without them. But, if you’re anything like a human being, these tiny felines bring you joy and companionship with a healthy dose of genuine fear that they might one day kill you in your sleep.

From interactive cat toys to GPS trackers and automated litter boxes, there is now a wide range of products on the market that can help cat owners keep their pets healthy, happy, and entertained.

To make your life easier, we have compiled a list of sometimes overpriced, completely unnecessary and, yes, let’s admit it, also absolutely essential gadgets, designed to help you manage your cat’s already pampered life.

Interactive cat toys

Gone are the days of simple stuffed mice and birds. Nowadays the must-have are whole cat arcade gaming consoles — meaning your cat will definitely have a better childhood than you. Afraid your cat isn’t healthy and entertained? Get him an automated mouse! Those tiny toys just need to be on to have your cat chasing it. It will allow your cat to engage in its natural hunting behavior and you won’t have to run around your place shaking one on a piece a string to have your cat exercise.

Automatic feeders

You can avoid getting scratched while trying to feed the little pest and avoid your cat joining the growing number of worryingly overweight specimens, or, as we like to call them, “chonkers”, we see glorified on social media. You can control when and which amount of food they get to make sure it stays healthy and lives longer so it can control your very existence.

GPS Trackers

Perfect for the controlling types who ruined their previous relationships by being overzealous about always knowing their partner’s location. Your ex hates you, so does your cat. You can now see in real time where your cat is and even combine it with a cat camera collar if you are obsessed with its life to see what it is doing in real time.

Pet cameras

Now onto our favorite, the infamous POV (Point of View) cameras. These are undoubtedly the crown jewel in cat digital tools. You want to see if your cat is the bully or the victim ? If his sweet behavior is just a mask to hassle you out of more croquettes? This is the gadget you need!

Take a look at our interview with Lahis !

Automated litter boxes

This is also very high on the utility chart. As all cat owners know, litter boxes are simply the biggest nuisance. By getting an automated one, you will get notified when it is full if your cat uses it, as we know those tiny creatures love to take our most expensive shoes as an open sky litter box. So yes, you will still be cleaning after your cat, but at least you can flex your expensive purchase on your fellow cat lover friends.

Virtual vets

I don’t know about you, but most people already hate going to the doctor themselves, let alone with another living creature. The remarkable thing about telemedicine is that it is not reserved for humans, and having an option for a minor health inconvenience with your pet always feels nice. Still be weary that it is always better to go in person as a thorough physical examination can be lifesaving.

Health monitoring collars

These smart collars are like fitness trackers for cats. Monitor health metrics, activity levels, and even sleep patterns to ensure your cat is in peak health. Hopefully, they will be able to warn us if our cat is about to inexplicably push another expensive mug to the ground in the future.

Remote controlled exercise wheel

Having an indoor cat is not an easy task, and you might want to save your curtains by having it exercise on a wheel. Going back to the chonkers, these machines are particularly useful to keep your cat’s weight and exercise levels in check. You can even program different training regimes, such as HIIT and low intensity cardio. They have HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) programs, and we don’t really know how to feel about it as we do not even follow a HIIT ourselves.

Ultimate guide for modern cat parents : Interactive cat toys, GPS tracker, Automatic feeders,  Remote controlling exercise wheel, Automated litter boxes, Virtual vets, Health monitoring calls, Pet cameras

All these tools might, or might not, make your pet’s life more manageable and organized.

Is this going to stop their plan for world domination? Probably not. Humans will succumb to their will, once they take over the world, but at least we’ll have a POV (point of view) of their secret catty masonic meetings.

Follow us for more tips on how to make your life slightly less miserable, and comment if you have ever thought of getting one of those tools!

About this article

This article has been written by a group of students at the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.

The products identified in this article are shown for illustration purposes only. No relationship exists between the authors, GEM and the companies concerned. No recommendation of any particular product should be implied.

