Unveiling the AI Frontier: Beyond ChatGPT’s Brilliance

Riding the AI wave: 6 remarkable artificial intelligences that could revolutionize our lives!

Anaïs Tonlop
Digital GEMs
6 min readJul 25, 2023


6 Artificial Intelligences that could help you in your daily life
6 artificial intelligences that could help you in your daily life — Anaïs Tonlop

Between fear and admiration, artificial intelligence is often at the heart of discussions: Will AI replace humans? How will it affect society? How much will AI change the world?

AI offers incredible capabilities that go beyond the ideas we had of this technology. Many tools using artificial intelligence have appeared in our daily lives. Whether it’s voice assistants like Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant, automatic translators or even domestic robots, how could we ever live without them?
Revolutions like ChatGPT for example is THE topic of the moment. Indeed, it surprises and impresses everyone with all its features and almost flawless knowledge… But did you know that ChatGPT is far from being the only AI that exists?

In this article, I’ll introduce you to 6 artificial intelligences I just discovered that could make our daily life easier!

Otter AI
Sheet plus
Runway Videos

After this reading, tell me which AI you want to test!

1. Otter AI:

Screen capture of Otter AI
Otter AI Homepage Screenshot — Automatic Transcription and AI.

The first artificial intelligence I’d like to introduce you is Otter AI, an AI that I will definitely be using ASAP! It makes life easier for students and workers in just a few steps. Otter AI takes notes of a lecture or a meeting in real time, while recording it, capturing the slides presented and generating a summary of everything said! What could be better? It’s an opportunity to save a lot of time and make it easier to learn… Otter AI can be connected to Google or Microsoft Calendar and is compatible for meetings on Zoom, Microsoft Teams and Google Meet. The tool offers several pricing options depending on the user’s needs, but for a basic use, the free option seems quite complete!

2. Grammarly:

Screen capture of Grammarly
Grammarly Homepage Screenshot — Writing Assistant Tool.

Are you bad at spelling and grammar? You do not know how to write? Grammarly is a free online assistant that allows you to improve your texts, turns of phrase, correct spelling mistakes, etc. This AI can help many people in their daily life because it improves any kind of communication! The free version is quite limited and does not offer many advantages compared to what already exists directly on Word for example (grammar, spelling, punctuation, concision). Indeed, for a more optimal use, the premium version is very interesting because it offers the option to rewrite complete sentences, give options of words to use and other (from 12€ per month). Available only for English.

3. Sheet plus:

Screen capture of Sheet Plus
Sheet Plus Homepage Screenshot — Productivity App for Spreadsheets.

My third discovery is Sheet+, an artificial intelligence that could comfort those who are at war against Excel and Google Sheets! Sheet+ allows you to improve your spreadsheets by letting your imagination run wild without being blocked by your Excel level.
It allows you to convert text into Google spreadsheets and precise Excel formulas but not only… It also allows you to understand any formula thanks to its system of instantaneous explanations. Incredible, isn’t it? Concerning its pricing system, there are 3 formulas for all types of profiles: Free, Pro and Pro Annual. If this AI works as well as they sell it, I can’t wait to test it!


Screen capture of Dall-E
Dall-E Homepage Screenshot — AI Image Generation

You may have already heard of DALL-E, the artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI (the company that developed ChatGPT and the best known company specialized in artificial intelligence). DALL-E allows to generate original image and illustration treatments from textual descriptions.
Have you ever imagined what an astronaut riding a horse in photorealistic style looked like? You can now see it with DALL-E! The tool is known for its ability to make unique, realistic and very good quality images. It allows to generate quite crazy images and can be very creative thanks to its learning on millions of images.

5. Runway Videos

Screen capture of Runway Videos
Runway Videos Homepage Screenshot — Creative Video Editing Tool.

The fifth AI that caught my attention is Runway videos. It is an AI that can generate videos in real time from various sources. Users can generate images from a text description but can also import videos, images, audio tracks and animation sequences in order to modify or transform them. Runway videos can be used to add or remove visual effects, change the style of a video or apply filters. This tool seems to be more than complete and allows you to explore your creativity. I really invite you to study its features to discover more! Concerning the pricing, the free option allows you to discover the tool but is quite limited. The Pro package is the most popular and costs $12 per month but there are also team and company rates.

6. Beatoven

Screen capture of Beatoven
Beatoven Homepage Screenshot — Music Composition App.

And finally, the last artificial intelligence I wanted to introduce you is Beatoven! An AI that offers to help musicians create music with its technology! The tool can create new free and copyright-free musical compositions by generating melodies, rhythms and arrangements according to its desires. Note that Beatoven’s ambition is not to replace the human being but rather to support a creative process. No more excuses to start making music!

And there you have it! We are (already) at the end of the article! So, which AI has convinced you the most? Are you tempted to explore their capabilities further?

As I said in the introduction, I haven’t had the opportunity to test all these AIs yet, but I thought it was relevant to share my findings with you! I can’t wait to test these tools and to realize even more the power of artificial intelligence!

Don’t hesitate to share your discoveries and opinions about artificial intelligence in the comments!

About this article

This article has been written by a student on the Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Advanced Masters in Digital Strategy Management. As part of a content creation assignment, students are given the task of writing articles based on their digital interests and disseminating the articles online. Articles are marked but we make minimal changes to the content. Thanks for reading! James Barisic, Programme Director, MS DSM.

