3 Funnily Embarrassing Travel Experiences

Digital Global Traveler
4 min readJul 2, 2024

Funny thing about us human, we always remember when we make a fool of ourselves. It is a good thing, as they become humor stories down the line when we think about it.

Traveling to new countries create more of such experiences as ways of doing things are different.

3 such experiences which made it to my funny travel stories are:

#1 The Infinite Towel Roll- Helsinki Airport

After a refreshing exchange of water at Airport loos, in Eastern parts of the world, we are used to wiping hands with individual paper towels dispensed from a machine attached to the wall.

Source: Amazon.ae

Upon successful task completion at the Helsinki Airport (My 1st time in Europe), as I headed towards the tissue roll, I saw, from distance some other contraption. I waited to see, if I could observe someone else using it. But no one was around. I approached the contraption. No matter how much I tried to pull, the tissue just would not break free from the device. I pulled hard. I pulled gently. I pulled straight. I pulled diagonally.

The conundrum. Source: Linked website

Finally, I conceded and stepped away from the device. As I was walking away, I saw another person use it. As the solution reveal itself, I was feeling dumber and dumber. It was a continuous towel where one is supposed to pull, wipe hands, and then it rolls back. Save paper concept. Destroys hygiene as per me, but saves paper.

I, tugging away, with all my might at the towel roll would trend as a viral fail video, if it would have been captured on a CCTV.

#2 Toll booth on Italian Highways

We took a rent a car from Verona and started our journey towards the dolomites. We would have just travelled a few kilometers when we reached a toll.

Now, we are used to 2 types of tolls. One, completely hinder-free Dubai tolls, or Manual tolls where you pay and move.

Source: Stradeautostrade

Upon reaching this obstacle, we waited for someone to give us a ticket and take money in exchange. We waited, knocked, honked but no one came. Cars kept queuing behind us, pressure kept mounting. We thought, maybe the lane is not working, so we backed our car, making few more behind us also back. Saw couple of cars doing the famous but not so nice Italian hand gestures and zoom away in the same lane.

Upon closer inspection realized that people just pressed a button, took ticket and zoomed away, meaning money collection would happen at the exit.

Knocking on the metal barrier, waiting for a human to appear, now, is the funniest memory of our Italian trip.

#3 The crazy credit card swipe at an Icelandic Petrol Station

We were on a winter road trip in Iceland. 1st refueling experience. I got down to refuel, cold brutal wind howling across my face. The machine asked me how much I wanted to fuel and gave an option of tank full. I opted for it. I filled my tank. Paid with credit card. And off we went.

Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

5 Kilometers down the road, I got a debit message of 5 times the value of the fuel I purchased. My 1st reaction, card has been hacked, or misused at the petrol station. Turned the car back to the 100% completely un-maned station to figure out what happened.

As I was racing back to the petrol station, called my bank, on International roaming, to instruct them to block the amount from going through.

Me: Hello, there is a huge transaction on my credit card please block

Call Centre Agent: (After verification) Sir, are you talking about the XXXX amount today at 3:00 PM?

Me: Yes! Please block it.

Call Centre Agent: Sir, that is a temporary hold charge, it has already been reversed.

Me: Wait…umm…what is that?

Call Centre Agent: (After a deep breath), Sir sometimes like Hotels and Fuel Stations et cetera block certain amount as security deposit and automatically refund the amount once transaction is complete.

Me: Ahhh…ok ok thank you. Bye!

Me to Wife (Grinning): Yah, I got the debit reversed!

