A Complicated Trip


Snappy One
Digital Global Traveler
3 min readJul 13, 2024


All images by the author

Oh my. What a fix I was in! I was heading to a week-long conference at Gordon Conwell Seminary in Wellesley, MA, about an hour from Boston, but my ride from the airport never came. I called a few times but got no answer. My friend later explained, but that did nothing to help me.

Has anything like this happened to you? How did you handle it?

I did not know anyone at the seminary, so I did not phone there for help. This was before cell phones were in common use and prior to the days of companies like Uber and Lyft.

I managed to find my way to the town.

However, it was not anywhere near the station where the rail line stopped. By this time, tears welled up, and I went to a store asking about the possibility of walking to the school.

The gentleman looked at me, looked at my suitcase packed with a week’s worth of clothing, and shook his head. That option was out.

I asked about hailing a cab, but there was no taxi service in Wellesley, and one would have to come from a nearby town, probably costing as much as my airfare!

I went outside and sat on a bench to pray, gather my thoughts, and consider my options.

God had opened the door for me to attend; why was I being thwarted on the final leg of my journey? I was not thrilled with flying but just survived that experience with little wear and tear. Yet here I was, a few miles from my destination, only to be stuck.

While sitting there, a kind-faced woman came to the store. I was rather desperate at this point; what did I have to lose? So, when she came out, I approached her and explained my dilemma. Offering to pay her for a ride, she kindly agreed to rescue me.

Do you think I took too big of a risk by trusting this woman?

As we walked to her car, she asked me, “Do you like dogs?” Actually, they are one of my favorite critters. When we got in, her near horse-sized pooch didn’t even bark.

When she dropped me off she refused the dollars offered, and I was so very thankful.

I am convinced that our paths crossed so that she could help me. The huge dog riding shotgun was her guardian angel!

Do you believe in angels? Do you think you have a guardian angel?

Do you experience coincidences that seem to be more than a coincidence?

I am so thankful things worked out the way they did. I met people at the conference who made my return trip to the airport much safer, convenient, and far less stressful. When you find yourself in a similar predicament, may it turn out well for each of you!



Snappy One
Digital Global Traveler

Caregiver, photographer, Christian, humorist. Married grandma. Enjoy travel, especially cruises.