A Room with an Alpine View

With no comparable alternatives, it was about taking the best option available. In hindsight, Ljubljana is worth a little luxury

Vickey Maverick.
Digital Global Traveler
5 min readAug 21, 2024


The Kamnik–Savinja Alps as seen from our hotel room [Photo: ©Vickey Maverick.]

Emotions kept instigating us to go ahead with the plan. Reason held us back on each occasion. It was about finding the right balance, and what mattered is the fact that we managed to find it.

To better understand what I am trying to imply, please take a closer look at the photograph above. Can you see the magnificent Alps mountain ranges at a distance?

Well, that happened to be the view from the suite at a five-star hotel in one of the most beautiful countries in the world. My partner and I had zeroed in on it after much deliberation. When you wake up to such a view and look at it as the first thing when you remove the curtains, you forget the fact that it comes at a premium price.

On the contrary, you cherish the fact that you have a room with a spectacular view. That being said, it was a trip that didn’t happen… well, almost. There were multiple occasions when we considered pulling the plug altogether.

The initial plan



Vickey Maverick.
Digital Global Traveler

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