Bodh Gaya: Where Lord Buddha Attained Enlightenment.

The Spiritual Legacy of Lord Buddha

Dhammshil Kaninde
Digital Global Traveler
3 min readApr 24, 2024


Bodh Gaya Image by Hindustan Times

Importance of the Place:

Bodh Gaya is not just a sacred place. It’s a legacy of Buddha’s quest for enlightenment and his teachings that continue to guide and inspire.

Bodh Gaya is located in the Bihar state of India. The antiquated Mahabodhi Temple and Bodhi tree are the principal attractions of the town.

Emperor Ashoka built the Mahabodhi Temple in the 3rd Century BCE. The temple was built at the same place where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. Lord Buddha meditated in the different parts of the complex for 49 days.

This is the Bodhi Tree where Lord Buddha attained enlightenment. The present sacred Bodhi Tree is a direct descendant of the original tree under which Buddha attained enlightenment. The tree is a living indication of Buddha’s presence and his definitive acknowledgment of reality.

Apart from the Mhabodhi Temple and Bodhi Tree, there are more sacred places where Lord Buddha meditated.

Lord Buddha Image by India Tour Packages

Sitting below the Bodhi Tree for a few minutes can feel the peace and the essence of the place.

Festivals and Rituals:

Buddha Purnima, which celebrates the birth, enlightenment, and passing away of the Buddha. In the festivals, the Mahabodhi Temple and the whole complex are beautifully decorated. At night the entire complex shines with different types of lights. While in the daytime, different kinds of blossoms, devotees, and mantras make the premises blissful.

Other Country Temples and Monasteries:

Bodh Gaya is a national treasure and an international spiritual hub. Every year thousands of people from different parts of the world come to Bodh Gaya to see this sacred place.

Wat Thai Monastery Image by Bodhgaya Tourism

Buddhism is the 3rd biggest religion in the world. Countries like Japan, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Thailand, and many others built their country temples and Monasteries in Bodha Gaya in commemoration of Lord Buddha.

Every one of the monasteries and temples shows their country’s special design styles and customs.

The Great Buddha Statue:

The 61-foot-high sculpture of Lord Buddha in a sitting situation in Lotus is another beautiful destination place in Bodh Gaya. Buddha’s ten principal disciples’ sculptures are shown around the statue.

The Great Buddha Statue Image Clicked by Me

Spiral stairs are available inside the statue that leads to the chest of Buddha. The inner walls of the statue display 16,300 small bronze images.


Bodh Gaya offers various accommodation facilities that suit everybody’s pocket. While luxurious hotel options are also available for people who need comfort.

How to Reach Bodh Gaya:

Daily thousands of people come to Bodh Gaya. The town is connected by road to major cities like capital city Patna and Kolkata. Air service is also available. The nearest airport is Gaya International Air Port which is only 10 Km away from Bodh Gaya.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog. If you haven’t ever come to Bodh Gaya so next time when you come to India please visit Bodh Gaya. You too become a witness to the existence of the sacred Bodhi tree.

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Dhammshil Kaninde
Digital Global Traveler

I am a Reader, Writer, Traveller, I love to read and express what I have learned though writing.