Camino de Santiago: I Did it My Way

Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Digital Global Traveler
4 min readMay 4, 2022


Camino de Santiago Photo by Author

One of the most influential writers in my life is Joseph Campbell, who writes: “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take.”

Today, on this fourth day of my walk, I bring along my mentor Joseph Campbell whose writings inspired me to study Anthropology. If you haven’t read the other posts, the Camino de Santiago invites its pilgrims on an existential journey of reassessment. Do we continue walking in the same comfortable direction where we know the outcome, or do we change routes to uncover what else life offers? The Camino brings pilgrims from all over the world to these crossroads beckoning us to make a choice. Do we follow along, follow others, or forge our own way of being in the world?

I had to make this choice today when Margarita, a lovely Colombian woman from Bogotá, commented on how I was using my trekking poles.

“María, ¿Puedo mostrarte algo?”
Claro, “he dicho”.
“Tienes que proteger tus rodillas.”
“De Acuerdo.”
“Tus bastones de trekking, necesitan trabajar para ti. Cuando tu pie derecho va hacia adelante tu bastón izquierdo hace lo mismo.”
”Gracias por su Ayuda.”



Cappelli, MFA, JD, PhD
Digital Global Traveler

Top Know Nothing Writer with way too many degrees who enjoys musing on life's absurdity.