Discover Christchurch: Is It the Ultimate Travel Destination?

Exploring the Hidden Gems of Christchurch and Beyond: A Journey Through Culture, Nature, and Culinary Delights

Deanna Bugalski đź’‹
Digital Global Traveler


An image of a street sign that points in the direction of Christchurch
Photo by Phill Brown on Unsplash

When I told my hairdresser, who was born and bred in New Zealand, that I was going to Christchurch for three days, her response was, “Why?”.

This is a fair question. From her perspective, most people she knows either leave Christchurch or don’t know it’s even a place.

I am from Melbourne, and when we see travel advertisements for New Zealand, we see the powder-perfect ski runs in Queenstown, we know the thrill sports on offer in Auckland, we see the cultural experiences in Rotorua, we see the opportunity to stop on route to North America, and we see the beauty of the Cook Islands. We are not shown the smaller towns like Dunedin or Christchurch.

Everyone I’ve ever met from New Zealand has been a pretty cool person

It’s like the Tasmanian equivalent of Australia; no one has ever met a person from Tasmania who wasn’t laid-back and friendly. (Of course, there are exceptions to every rule, but this is my blog post and my opinion!) My co-founder and I saw a tech summit in Christchurch over a weekend, and we thought it…



Deanna Bugalski đź’‹
Digital Global Traveler

I'm a writer, blogger and reality storyteller. If there is an elephant in any room, rest assured I will acknowledge it and write about it!