Fall | Digital Global Traveler | Washington State | Seattle | Travel

Discovery Park in Seattle, Washington

Enjoying the seasonal change from Summer to Fall in the PNW

Valerie Delzer
Digital Global Traveler
3 min readSep 18, 2022


I visit my daughter in Seattle as often as I can wanting to experience all that the PNW (Pacific Northwest) has to offer which is plenty of scenic natural beauty.

I’ve been there in Spring, Fall and Winter so far. Last year, I visited her at the end of October when you can see the sunset glowing gold-orange on Shilshole Bay. We go to Discovery Park often. It’s huge with 534 acres offering spectacular views of the Cascade Mountains, and the Olympic Mountain Range. I love the feel of fall in the forest grove. I love hiking along a 5-mile trail not knowing where it comes out to the beach area of the bay. That’s when you can get some incredible photos.

Discovery Park, Seattle, Washington. October 2021. Credit: Valerie Delzer
Waves gently lapping the shore. I love the various contrasts between light & dark. Credit: Valerie Delzer
Nova on the left. Mt. Olympus on the right. Photo Credit: Valerie Delzer

Fall is my favorite time of year because of the feel it gives me. It’s like Goldilocks time for me — not too hot…

