My Grandfather Self-published a Memoir, And I Am So Proud of Him

He continues to live a full life, setting a good example for us nephews and nieces to follow

Federica M
Digital Global Traveler


six people posing for a picture outside
From the left: Mother, Me, Grandmother, Grandfather, Sister, Father.

In May of 2023, my grandfather self-published and printed a memoir with the help of an editor and some family members.

Since then, the book had been sitting on my bedroom desk in Italy because I was in Japan. When I went back home for summer in July of this year, I picked it up and promised to read it as soon as I was finished reading another book I had started. Now, the time has come to read Una Vita Semplicemente Vissuta (A Life Simply Lived).

Nonno Started Writing During COVID-19

During COVID, nonno started writing a memoir, first for fun and then…for real!

I remember he expected me to help with editing, however I was too busy with school, and the pages to read were too long, so I gave up, but I am glad he did not.

Now that it is September of 2023 I finally have the book in my hands and I am looking forward to commenting on it.

Ever since he started giving free copies of his book to people he knew, he had been forwarding to the family group chat all the thoughtful messages that readers wrote him, moved by…



Federica M
Digital Global Traveler

Grew up in Italy, worked in Tokyo and now in the Netherlands to study. I am passionate about culture, technology and art.