1372 Day Streak — How I Became Fluent Using Duolingo

Digital Global Traveler
4 min readJul 24, 2024


¡Hola, amigos! Ever dreamed of speaking Spanish fluently? Well, let me take you on a fun journey (viaje divertido) of how I turned that dream into reality with the help of Duolingo — and a few extra tricks up my sleeve!

The Spark of Inspiration

Why Spanish, you ask? Picture this: the vibrant streets (calles vibrantes) of Madrid, the passionate roar (rugido apasionado) of Real Madrid fans, and the soul-stirring strums of flamenco guitar (guitarra flamenca). As a huge fan of Real Madrid and a guitar enthusiast who’s been playing for over 12 years, I’ve always admired the Spanish culture (cultura española). It was this love that drove me to learn the language (idioma) and understand the beautiful lyrics (letra) of the songs (canciones).

The Duolingo Adventure

Three years ago, I embarked on my Spanish learning adventure (aventura de aprendizaje) with Duolingo. Little did I know, it would become a comforting routine (rutina reconfortante), especially during a tough phase in my life. Currently, I’m on a 3+ years streak (racha) — 1372 days to be exact! Duolingo was my escape, helping me forget my troubles and dive into the enchanting world (mundo encantador) of Spanish.

Despite what some naysayers might claim, Duolingo is incredibly effective if you use it…



Digital Global Traveler

Cybersecurity expert and Spanish learner. I blog about tech, hacking, and language, with curated affiliate links. Let's explore security and learning together!