How to Beat the Texas Heat

Spoiler alert — get the hell out of Texas

Tommy Lee
Digital Global Traveler


Credit Texas Monthly

“The path to paradise begins in hell.”
Dante Alighieri

Texas is hot right now, in fact, it is epically hot, some might even say biblically hot. So what do we do to try and survive this insanity? A short rundown for immediate relief from the 6th layer of hell would be the following:

But all of these are a short-term solution to a months-long problem, the hotness lasts easily from May-October in Austin. My best advice to you would be to get on out of dodge for a while and break the 100-degree streak for a few days, allowing the brain to return to normal operating temperature. Here are my two suggestions for quick and relatively easy getaways to places much much cooler.

Colorado — Rocky Mountain National Park



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