I’m Thinking of Starting a Travel/Geography Themed Publication

I Would Like an International Following for This

The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Digital Global Traveler


Photo by Aaditya Arora from Pexels

As a relatively new writer, I’m still trying to find my niche and lane on this platform. I’ve written mostly personal stories and a few informational articles about topics I’m well informed on. This has recently steered me towards thinking globally. Then I thought, “oh wait, you literally love to think globally all the time.” I’m addicted to anything with geography-based content. Whether that content is about physical geography, languages, or political geography, anything with a global tilt definitely catches my interest.

Then I thought, Medium is pretty much an international online platform. I wouldn’t even need to go to other places myself. I could just get people from all around the world to talk about interesting places and locales with which they are familiar.

I do this with my Erie, Pennsylvania series and have introduced my hometown of Sacramento, California in a story as well. I’ve been all over the United States and definitely would have plenty to write about myself. I feel like I could get people who love to talk all about different places all over the world to come to write for a publication about global travel.

For the new future publication that I will be starting relatively soon, I’d like to explore different aspects of global culture from language, food, religions, and physical geography, to travel tips.

I’d like to have writers from all over the world come together on this publication and write what they know about the places they’re from or places they are very familiar with. I will try to bring a writer from nearly every region of the globe to come to write here.

Bringing all of these topics together gives the reader a chance to explore the world from their own phones and laptops and discover more of what they previously may not have known. It’ll be like the reader will become a global traveler through the reading experience.

I’m all about bringing people together and I feel like this publication would be a good way of doing this, even remotely. If you have any story ideas for me before I start this publication, feel free to message me or give direction on what other topics I could cover or what topics you’d specifically like to cover if you’re interested in writing for the publication once it’s started.

You can also email me at for any other ideas related to this publication. I just wanted to get the idea out there now to see if there are any writers who are interested early on. Bon voyage and hope to hear from you soon!!



The Sturg (Gerald Sturgill)
Digital Global Traveler

Gay, disabled in an RV, Cali-NY-PA, Boost Nominator. New Writers Welcome, The Taoist Online, Badform. Owner of International Indie Collective pubs.