Kraków: Europe’s Most Underrated City?

Why Kraków is up there with the prettiest and finest cities in Europe

Jo Muller
Digital Global Traveler


Wawel Castle, Krakow, Photo by author

After visiting the capital city of Warsaw, my Polish adventure continued down south as I took a train down to the Southern city of Kraków, Poland’s second-largest city, and quite a popular one.

I didn’t have any idea what to expect, and actually, deep deep down, only regarded my trip to Kraków as a little stopover on my long journey ahead.

But how damn wrong could I have been?

I was absolutely amazed by Kraków, by its beauty, its atmosphere and its tremendous architecture, and in fact I would even suggest that the city is up there with the prettiest in Europe and the world!

Before arriving in Kraków, I obviously did my little bit of research, and already then was I amazed by this stunning fact: the Old town of Kraków and its Wawel Castle were actually the very first sites or places to be granted the status of UNESCO World Heritage sites!



Jo Muller
Digital Global Traveler

Travel passionate and Life enthusiastic boy from Luxembourg, sharing experiences and guidelines from my travels and personal growth IG: jo.elviajero