Old Charme With Love in A Coruña

In the very northwest corner of Spain, you will find a unique pearl of a city. Beauty, history and seafood are strong elements of a city that has the old-fashioned charm of Spain.

Jens Peter Olesen
Digital Global Traveler


The old harbour in A Coruña. Photo by author.

No need to hide it. I love A Coruña and could easily see myself living there when I get old.

A Coruña has a unique connection to the ocean and it shows all over the city. The city has 431,332 (2020) citizens and has grown further out south. We stayed mostly in the old part of the town which is a peninsula and the “arm” that connects the old part with the mainland of Spain.

North of the old town there is a large park where you among other things can find Torre de Hercules. Built in the 1st century whish making it the oldest known extant lighthouse in the world. It is on UNESCO’s World Heritage site list. I think the park around it is the most stunning but you can take the stairs up to the top and get an amazing view of some of the city and out over the ocean.

Pictures of Torre de Hercules and the view from the park. All photos by the author.

The park does not have many trees, but at both ends you can find small beaches that are used…



Jens Peter Olesen
Digital Global Traveler

I write about what I see and feel and think about. A graphic designer by trade and full time traveller. www.creatic.design + www.NoRouteExplore.dk