Preserving Garifuna, An Endangered Language & Culture

Weyu Shameka
Digital Global Traveler
3 min readJan 29, 2024
The Garinagu population celebrating their arrival to Livingston, Guatemala on November 26.


The Garifuna culture is a vibrant Afro-Indigenous community that has faced many challenges throughout its history. There are Garifuna populations across Central America in Honduras, Belize, Guatemala, and Nicaragua. From the struggles of colonization to enduring ongoing discrimination, the Garifuna people have persevered and maintained their cultural identity. One key aspect of this culture is the Garifuna language, which is currently in jeopardy and at risk of disappearing. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of preserving the Garifuna language and the efforts being made to rescue this invaluable heritage.

The Significance of the Garifuna Language:

The Garifuna language is more than just a means of communication; it is the backbone of the Garifuna culture. It is a vessel that carries the traditions, stories, and history of the Garifuna people from generation to generation. It brings communities together, fosters a sense of belonging, and strengthens the cultural identity of its speakers.

However, the Garifuna language faces numerous challenges, including the influence of Spanish and English in the diaspora and the discrimination experienced by the Garifuna people. Many parents are not teaching their children the language, leading to its gradual loss. The consequences of this are far-reaching, as the language serves as a bridge to connect the present with the past, ensuring the survival of the Garifuna identity.

Garifuna Heritage Day Celebration in Livingston, Guatemala. (Weyu Sham)

The Efforts to Preserve the Garifuna Language:

Despite these challenges, there are passionate individuals like Milton Guity, a Garifuna teacher and advocate, who are working tirelessly to preserve the Garifuna language. Milton emphasizes the importance of being proactive in rescuing the language, starting with education and awareness within Garifuna communities. By organizing campaigns, workshops, and classes, individuals like Milton provide opportunities for the younger generation to learn and embrace their native language.

Institutions such as Casa Yurumein, an Afro-Central American Garifuna cultural center based in New York City, also play a crucial role in maintaining and promoting the Garifuna language. They offer language classes, cultural events, and a sense of community for Garifuna individuals living in the diaspora. These institutions serve as safe spaces where the younger generation can connect with their roots, learn the language, and forge meaningful relationships with their peers.

Challenges and the Way Forward:

Despite the ongoing efforts to preserve the Garifuna language, there are still significant challenges to overcome. Discrimination in Central America, lack of governmental support, and the allure of other languages pose real threats to the future of the Garifuna language. However, leaders like Milton Guity call for unity and strength in supporting the Garifuna cause. He emphasizes the need for Garifuna leaders across the diaspora to come together, advocate for their rights, and ensure the preservation of both language and culture.

Additionally, fostering a sense of pride and instilling the value of the Garifuna language from an early age is vital. Parents and community leaders must actively teach the language to their children, ensuring that it continues to thrive within households and communities. Collaboration with educational institutions and the integration of Garifuna language and culture in the curriculum can also play a significant role in revitalization efforts.

I attended the Garifuna Settlement Day Celebration in Livingston, Guatemala in November 2022.


The preservation of the Garifuna language is a crucial task that requires collective effort and unwavering dedication. The language serves as a vessel for the Garifuna culture, connecting generations and preserving traditions. By recognizing the importance of the Garifuna language, supporting institutions like Casa Yurumein, and empowering Garifuna leaders, we can ensure the survival of this unique heritage. Let’s celebrate the Garifuna language and culture, embrace its richness, and join the journey of preserving this invaluable aspect of our global heritage.



Weyu Shameka
Digital Global Traveler

I am a First Generation Writer and Storyteller who wants share my journey of self discovery and wisdom along the way.