Reasons to Explore Close to Home

Another (and perhaps better) way to travel.

Jane Carr
Digital Global Traveler


Photo by S Migaj on Unsplash

Relative to the past, in today’s world, it is very easy to travel abroad. With some savings and a week or two of accrued leave, the average person can go and experience a culture totally different from their own.

However, there are other ways to travel that are just as exciting. Yes, that’s right, I’m advocating for exploration closer to home.


The concept of a staycation is not new, but it has risen in popularity due to the pandemic. For those unaware, a staycation is when you rent a hotel room in your own city and explore it as if you were a tourist. Pandemic or not, I think that staycations are an incredible way to travel. They provide many benefits over the more traditional style of travel. As a disclaimer, living in a larger city can mean a more unique staycation experience, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be done in smaller places too.

First and foremost, staycations use far fewer environmental and economic resources. Particularly if you live (and therefore staycation) in a city, you can walk or take public transport to all of your destinations, saving the environmental cost of air travel. Furthermore, it is easier to take your environmentally friendly habits and items with you. While you…

