Short Guide For Hiking The Carpathians Of Romania

Hiking and photographing the endless beauty of the Carpathian Mountains

Silviu-Florin Salomia
Digital Global Traveler


Capra Lake in Făgăraș Mountains | © Silviu-Florin Salomia

So you wish to uncover the wilder side of Romania? I am here to tell you this is the best decision ever and it might make you fall irremediably in love with my country. While not as dramatic as the Dolomites, as legendary as the Himalaya or as popular as the Alps, the Carpathian Mountains have their own particular charm, a more subdued and mysterious beauty. It is revealed to those that truly open their hearts and eyes while wandering their valleys and crests.

I have explored many of their amazing hiking trails, through idyllic forests and pastures, past waterfalls and canyons, over rocky peaks and gentle ridges. While always trying to convey their hidden beauty through my photographs, I’ve become quite passionate about hiking. There is nothing quite inspiring and rewarding as sitting on top of a mountain, surrounded by the astonishing wilderness, having overcome your own fears and limits.

Bucura Lake in Retezat Mountains | © Silviu-Florin Salomia

The Carpathians

The Carpathian Mountains are the third-longest mountain range in Europe (about 1.500…



Silviu-Florin Salomia
Digital Global Traveler

Travel writer and photographer from Romania, I love to uncover new places and stories!