The Most Ridiculous Roti I’ve Eaten in Malaysia

And I have photos for proof.

Linda Ng
Digital Global Traveler


Yummy roti! Wait for my next photos, you’ll love it….(photo provided by Linda Ng)

Recently, I wrote a two-part story (links at bottom) about all the delicious food you can find in Malaysia. I had a lot of comments and questions! So I decided to narrow down on some items I’ve eaten. I will go through all my food pics and share more about individual foods! Isn’t that exciting?

Today, we’ll enjoy roti!

After reading my story on famous foods to try in Malaysia, TzeLin Sam asked if I had tried roti tisu. What’s that? It sounds so intriguing, doesn’t it?

Lucky me, I did get to try it!

Keep reading to see the most EPIC 👀 roti you’ve ever seen in your life….

Wait, What is Roti?

If I were to describe roti, I’d say it’s similar to flatbread or naan. Roti tisue or tissue is a variation of roti you can get in Malaysia at “mamak” stalls. These are basically open food courts you can find almost everywhere! Just like a cafe, you can order things like noodles and tea.

There are many variations of roti you can order. Here are some I have tried before. Psssstttt - I’m not from Malaysia, so I’m only sharing what I’ve experienced through my travels. Feel free to let me know if I have missed anything important!

