The Waterfall Chasers: An Adventure into Paradise

Indulging in nature’s unparalleled wonders

Yoshani Ranaweera
Digital Global Traveler
4 min readFeb 23, 2024


Photo owner: Author.

Sri Lanka, a country that is most popular for its abundance of nature and breathtaking sights, continues to marvel travelers with its plethora of natural waterfalls. From resting your eyes on the spectacular views, enjoying a cool dip on the outskirts, or taking a shower right beneath the waterfall, you name it, there’s a waterfall for it — and I’m not even exaggerating! In this episode, let me share a once-in-a-lifetime experience with such a cascading beauty.

It was a little after sunrise that my friends and I decided that we should visit a waterfall that was a short drive away from my home. We packed ourselves into two vehicles and set off in search of the Dunumala Waterfall. After a 30-minute ride, the main road transitioned into a white sandy pathway in a much rural setting, pulling us out from the busy lives that we had just been in. It wasn’t long before we spotted the place where we were supposed to stop for the waterfall. The rest was a journey on foot, along a slanting staircase made out of recycled tires, a most cost-effective and environmentally friendly stairway indeed. Down the tire path we descended, which was lined with small trees of various kinds. The further we went, the louder the welcoming rumble of the waterfall grew, until a clearing in the tree wall revealed the stunning prize!

Falling down in its utmost magnificence, the cascading white water pattered down on a henge of smoothened rocks which halted its majestic descent midway, forming the most unique formation of nature. The spilling waters created a picturesque stream, which was now trickling past us in an attempt to explore the rest of the world which it had just discovered.

The beautiful waters were so inviting that we hastily changed into our swimwear and dipped our feet into the sparkling stream. The cold water sent chills through us, but it was intensely refreshing to the touch. The sun rays seeping through the trees of the surrounding forest danced with the running waters, casting beautiful, animated patterns on the earthy-toned rocks. I took a moment to admire the beauty of all the wonders of nature that I was immersed in.

We were now ready for the shower experience of a lifetime! To reach the waterfall, we had to climb a little higher along the slippery rocks, which were soaked wet with the spray. Halfway up the towering formation of rocks, there was a flat expanse on which the mighty falls were crashing mercilessly. Along this surface we carefully went, until the roaring sound and the heavy spray made it quite difficult for us to hear or open our eyes to see. We were now directly beneath the falls, and the soothing waters crashed on our bodies, an exhilarating experience quite unlike the mundane bathroom showers. It was quite challenging to sustain ourselves against the relentless force of the rushing water, but the invigorating back massages and the thrilling experience made it completely worthwhile! Looking right above us, we could see the radiant sun shining brightly in all its glory, now that it was almost noon.

We immensely enjoyed the refreshing shower, occasionally sitting directly beneath, and at other times finding refuge inside mini cave-like alcoves while the waters rumbled before us. After spending several exciting hours, it was time for us to say goodbye to our little adventure. Making plans to visit this splendor once again, we bid farewell to the cascading elegance of the Dunumala Falls.

Photo owner: Friend. Attached with permission.
Photo owner: Author.
Photo owner: Friend. Attached with permission.
Photo owner: Friend. Attached with permission.



Yoshani Ranaweera
Digital Global Traveler

I aspire to immerse readers in my travel adventures through vivid storytelling, allowing them to vicariously experience my journeys.