The world beckons me, and so I must comply

A traveler’s heart

Dr. Tracy Davis
Digital Global Traveler


picture of author wearing warm clothing with a snowy landscape and reindeer in the background
Picture of author taken by author — copyright Tracy Davis, 2022

Prior to 2021, I had never been to Europe. I’m from the USA, and I had the fortune to travel to Canada and Mexico once in my life but had not traveled much outside of the United States.

According to the Pew Research Center, most people would like to travel outside the US, but about 23% of the population have never left, and only another 26% have traveled to five or more countries. Compared with citizens in other countries in Europe, this is low.

However, travel is a privilege that not everyone has the luxury to afford. It’s also much easier to travel through Europe because the countries are smaller and have good public transportation options.

In 2021, at the exciting age of 34, I embarked on a (15-month delayed) 10-month adventure of living in Norway.

Images from author Copyright 2023 (Left: Selfie of author in front of the Norwegian palace, Center: Norwegian palace, Right: Gardens and palace view

10-months turned into almost 2 years when I got another job offer to stay a bit longer. Living in Norway was an amazing learning experience for me where I experienced a lot of self-reflection and personal growth. In fact, since returning to the US, I’ve embarked on a solopreneur path of carving out a life that allows more…



Dr. Tracy Davis
Digital Global Traveler

Doctorate in Educational Leadership Multipassionate, Energy Healing, Productivity, Travel, and Personal Development.