What Kind of Tourist are You?

Do you linger and absorb or touch and go?

Gerad Carrier
Digital Global Traveler


Image by Rhonda Carrier

There are travelers who love to spend time visiting just one or two places on a trip so that they can really experience their visit. There are also travelers who want to see as much as they can during the short time they have. I believe we have all been both types of tourists, depending on age and circumstances.

In my retirement, I have discovered that I am more of the lingering type. I no longer enjoy rushing my visits, preferring to spend a few days at one location and really taking it in, the sights, the people, the culture and the food.

In my younger days, when travel was rare and less affordable, there was the pressure to pack in as much as possible whenever I visited a new city or country. I felt I had to take full advantage of the traveling opportunity and see and experience as much as I could.

However, I am also aware that there are tourists, irrespective of age and circumstance, that do have a particular preference when they travel. Some are lingerers and absorbers, while others love to pack in as much as they can during a visit. It is simply their way of enjoying travel and touring. One way is no better than the other, except for the particular travelers themselves.

When one goes on a guided tour, for example, all the sights and experiences are planned and managed. One is expected to be on the go from the morning until the late evening with optional night tours as well. While some tourists thrive on such programs, others find it exhausting and prefer a more relaxed, less structured program.

What kind of tourist are you? There really is no right answer, except for you. What traveling and touring experience gives you the most enjoyment and satisfaction?



Gerad Carrier
Digital Global Traveler

A retired international educator on a “leisurely” journey of learning. (Top writer in Travel)