Social Media As a Tool for Supporting Evidence-Based Policy and Decision-Making

Social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and share information, making it an effective tool for social change.

Marie Ennis
Digital Health Matters
5 min readMar 5, 2023


In the realm of public health, social media can be particularly useful for supporting evidence-based policy and decision-making. By disseminating information and research findings, engaging with stakeholders, mobilizing public support, tracking progress, and promoting transparency and accountability, public health organizations can use social media to help ensure that policies and practices are based on the best available evidence.

In this article, we’ll explore the power of social media in public health and how it can be used to support evidence-based policy and decision-making.

What Is Evidence-Based Advocacy?

Evidence-based advocacy is a strategic approach to promoting policy change that is grounded in research and data. This approach involves using evidence, such as scientific studies, surveys, and other data sources, to inform policy proposals and to build a case for policy change.

The core principle of evidence-based advocacy is the use of high-quality data and research to support policy proposals and to make the case for change. This requires a deep understanding of the available evidence, including its strengths and limitations, as well as the ability to communicate this evidence effectively to policymakers and other stakeholders. Advocates who use an evidence-based approach may work in a variety of settings, including non-profit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, and community groups.

To engage in evidence-based advocacy, advocates may conduct research studies, analyze existing data sources, and collaborate with experts and stakeholders to gather information and insights. They may also use data visualization and other communication tools to effectively communicate evidence to policymakers and other stakeholders.

Evidence-based advocacy can be a powerful tool for promoting positive change in society. By using data and research to inform policy proposals and to build a case for policy change, advocates can help to ensure that policies are based on the best available evidence and have the greatest potential to achieve their intended goals. This approach can also help to promote transparency and accountability in policymaking, as policies are developed and evaluated based on objective data and evidence.

Social Media As a Tool for Supporting Evidence-Based Advocacy

Social media can play an important role in supporting evidence-based advocacy by helping advocates to share their findings and engage with a wider audience.

Here are some specific ways in which social media can help.

Disseminating research and data

Social media can also be used to share evidence-based resources, such as toolkits, best practice guides, and policy briefs. By sharing research studies and data visualizations on social media, researchers and advocates can help to increase awareness and understanding of important issues, and can help to ensure that policymakers and other stakeholders have access to the latest research findings. This can be particularly important for issues that may not receive a lot of media attention or that may be overlooked by policymakers.

Building a community of advocates

Social media can be a powerful tool for building a community of advocates who are working together to promote evidence-based policies and practices. By building a community on social media, advocates can share best practices, learn from each other’s experiences, and build a strong network of advocates who are working together to promote evidence-based policies and practices. This can be particularly important for advocates who may be working in isolated or under-resourced settings, or who may be facing opposition or resistance to their advocacy efforts. Social media can also be used to connect advocates with potential partners and allies, such as researchers, policymakers, and community leaders. By using social media to connect with potential partners and allies, advocates can build a broader coalition of support for evidence-based policies and practices.

Engaging with policymakers

Engaging with policymakers through social media can be a powerful way for advocates to influence policy decisions and promote evidence-based policies and practices. By participating in online discussions and engaging with policymakers directly, advocates can help to ensure that evidence-based policies are developed and implemented. Advocates can share research studies, data visualizations, and other evidence-based resources with policymakers, and can provide feedback on proposed policies and regulations based on their own experiences and expertise.

Mobilizing public support

By sharing evidence-based information on social media, advocates can help to build momentum for evidence-based policies and practices. They can also use social media to highlight the benefits of evidence-based policies and practices and raise awareness of the consequences of policies that are not evidence-based. This can help to build public support for evidence-based policies and practices and increase the pressure on policymakers to take action. Social media can also be used to encourage individuals to take action, such as contacting their elected officials or participating in advocacy campaigns. Advocates can use social media to share information about advocacy campaigns and encourage individuals to take specific actions, such as signing a petition or attending a rally.

Tracking progress

By sharing progress updates on social media, advocates can help to keep stakeholders informed and engaged. They can also use social media to highlight successes and areas for improvement, and to generate feedback and ideas from stakeholders. Tracking progress through social media can also help to build support for ongoing efforts to promote evidence-based policies and practices. By demonstrating the positive impact of evidence-based policies and programs, advocates can build momentum for continued investment and expansion of evidence-based approaches.#

Social media can be a powerful tool for advocates seeking to promote evidence-based policies and practices. By disseminating research and data, building a community of advocates, engaging with policymakers, mobilizing public support, and tracking progress, advocates can use social media to influence policy decisions and build support for evidence-based approaches.

As social media continues to play an increasingly important role in public discourse, advocates must continue to leverage these platforms to promote evidence-based policies and practices. By effectively using social media, advocates can help to ensure that policies are developed and implemented based on the latest research findings and evidence-based recommendations, and that progress is tracked and shared with stakeholders.



Marie Ennis
Digital Health Matters

Healthcare Communications Strategist | Keynote Speaker | HIMSS FUTURE50 Awardee