Google & Apple A.I. Dreams

2014: The Space Oddysey

3 min readJan 27, 2014

From Google and Apple acquisitions list, I predict that they both have plan to make the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) like HAL in 2001: A Space Odyssey.

To interact naturally with human, the A.I. must have Perception System,
Intelligent System (Reasoning, Knowledge, Planning, Learning & Social Intelligent) and Communication System

In order to add the Context-Aware Experience and Attract more Transaction from the User, the A.I. need to know the User’s Surrounded Environment so Mapping System is also very important. It is so important that Apple once remove Google Maps from the iOS.

By acquiring 7 best Robotics Company, it’s not hard to tell that Google is trying to add the Ability to Move and Manipulate Objects thus transforming its A.I. into Real Robots.

Apple, in contrast, put more importance in the Processor, Security and User Experience. This is because a big portion of their future profit will come from Mobile Payment, Advertising and Loyalty Fee.

Google’s A.I. :-

Key Platform
Android OS

Perception System:
Google — Image & Voice Recognition
Google X — Computer Vision from Driverless Car Project
Viewdle — Facial Recognition
Wavii — Natural Language Processing
Flutter — Gesture Recognition
Industrial Perception — Computer Vision
Bump — Device Proximity
Nest — Environment Sensory System

Intelligent System:
Google — Knowledge
DNNresearch Inc. — Machine Learning
Behavio — Social Inteligent

Communication System:
Google Now — Personal Assistant

Mapping System:
Google Maps — Maps
Waze — Social Traffic Reporting
Niantic Labs — Location-Base Experimental Labs

Robotic & Hardware System:
Motorola — Hardware Manufacturer
Nest — Hardware Design & Machine to Machine Communication — Robotic Autonomous System
Redwood Robotics — Robotic Arms
Meka Robotics — Robotic Sensory
Holomni — Robotic Wheels
Bot & Dolly — Robotic Cameras
Boston Dynamics — Robotic Movement & Stabilizer

Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla Motors & SpaceX — Driverless Car, Space Exploration and Robotics)
Jonney Shih (Chairman of Asus — Hardware)
Ray Kurzweil (Founder of Technology Singularity — Futurist)
Guy Kawasaki (Former Chief Evangelist of Apple )

Apple’s A.I. :-

Key Platform:
The integration of iOS and Mac OS
Passbook — Payment Platform

Perception System:
FingerWorks — Gesture Recognition
Polar Rose — Facial Recognition
Siri — Voice Recognition
PrimeSense — 3D Sensing Technology
WiFiSlam — Device Proximity

Intelligent System:
Yahoo (in talk) — Knowledge
Chomp — Knowledge
Matcha — Social Inteligent
Topsy —Social Inteligent

Communication System:
Siri — Personal Assistant
Cue — Personal Assistant

Mapping System:
Apple iBeacon — Indoor Location
Poly9 — Web-Based Mapping
C3 Technologies — 3D Mapping
Locationary — Maps
HopStop — Maps
Embark — Maps
BroadMap — Maps

Robotic & Hardware System:
Apple Wearable Electronics — iBeacon Information Display & Interactive Device
Passif Semiconductor — Self Energy-Harvest Semiconductors
Intrinsity — Low Power Semiconductors
Anki — Consumer Robotics

Security System:
AuthenTec — Security
AlgoTrim — Data Compression

