About the Digital Investor Magazine

Greg Elfrink
Digital Investor
Published in
7 min readOct 28, 2020

Well… hello!

We’re pretty excited you’re here checking out our magazine. We’ve been wanting to do something like this for a long time.

Online businesses have really come into their own over the last few years. In fact, we think buying or selling online businesses is the best active investing strategy you can use to grow a staggering amount of wealth in a relatively short amount of time.

Of course, we don’t mean that in the get-rich-quick-like-me-in-a-lambo type of way. This takes REAL work. Still, when done right it can happen real quick.

Photo by Nikolay Tarashchenko on Unsplash

The internet provides a path to wealth accumulation that would’ve been unthinkable just a decade ago. Now, we want to bring to light how investors and entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the great wealth transfer.

First off, what are digital assets?

When we are talking about digital assets in this magazine we’re primarily referring to online businesses.

This can range from an e-commerce store on Shopify, an Amazon FBA business, to a software-as-a-service (SaaS) business churning other MRR. Digital assets can also be websites monetized through affiliate offers and display advertising, the app businesses you download on your phone, or even a publishing house leveraging Amazon’s Kindle program.

Digital assets are as diverse as they are profitable.

The one thing they all have in common is that they are all online businesses, ran by skillful entrepreneurs or savvy investors (often both at once).

Who are we to talk about digital assets?

A good question my anonymous reader.

The editorial staff (hey, that’s me!) behind the Digital Investor magazine is the same content team behind Empire Flippers.

If you’re not familiar with us, we’re the largest curated marketplace in the world when it comes to buying and selling digital assets. At the time of this writing, which will quickly grow out of date, we’ve sold well over 1,300 online businesses for more than $150 million dollars. You can always check out real-time how we’re doing by checking out our scoreboard here.

We’ve been around for years and we also created the gold standard of industry reporting with our annual State of the Industry Report. You can download that here if you like.

Every year we analyze what went down in the marketplace, and unlike other reports of a similar nature, we can actually tell you what’s what because we own the data end to end. Most others trying to do this style of reporting have to rely on scraped data they don’t own to compile their analysis.

We don’t.

So we get to share with you real sales data like multiples, time on the market, the structure of earn-outs, etc.

Plus a bunch of other trends. Last year our State of the Industry Report analyzed hundreds of deals across multiple monetizations — what I’m trying to say is… it’s a lot of work to put together but our audience loves it :-)

We have the largest team in the industry, routinely have the most deal flow of any brokerage, and have won the Inc 5,000 award 4 years in a row for the fastest-growing company in the USA, plus a bunch of industry-specific awards from the International Business Brokerage Association.

This gives us a ton of knowledge on the industry, and we hope enough knowledge to add a TON of value to your own journey with digital assets.

But it’s not just the Empire Flippers magazine…

While the Digital Investor started off with just our content team slinging awesome thought pieces, case studies and actionable guides, it’s not just us here.

Over time, we’re hoping other digital investors will start taking up the mantle in a big way to make this magazine a sustainable endeavor that is always delivering the best and brightest information in the industry for you.

You’ll hear stories from real investors, some who have raised millions of dollars to acquire digital assets, and from real entrepreneurs that have made life-changing exits of their own.

In fact, if you’re an active investor of digital assets or seller of them, you can apply to write for the magazine. You can check out our guide to doing just that here.

Want more content? Check out these six places…

We produce content a bit of everywhere, but if you’re hungering for more information outside of the magazine you can check us out in several different places.

  1. The Empire Flippers blog

This is where a ton of our content exists. We publish everything from case studies to actionable guides on how to run specific business models, plus other more Empire Flippers centric announcements about our industry-leading technology platform.

You can read our latest blog posts here.

2. The Empire Flippers Podcast

This is where our two co-founders Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti talk shop. You’ll get a high-level look at the business, as well as get access to fascinating interviews of high performing entrepreneurs in the space. You can listen to it here or on your favorite podcast app.

You can listen to it here, or on your favorite podcast app.

3. The Web Equity Podcast

Here you’ll be able to listen to several seasons, each tied to a certain theme around digital assets, from our co-founder Justin Cooke and a close friend of ours Ace Chapman. Each season focuses on a single aspect and is to date one of the best resources in terms of structure to really learn the art of buying and selling online businesses.

You can listen to it here, or on your favorite podcast app.

4. The Opportunity Podcast

This podcast is co-hosted by Sarah Nuttycombe and Branden Schmidt, two content specialists on the Empire Flippers marketing team. Every week they interview investors that have acquired digital assets to see how they got their initial capital to buy, why they chose to invest in digital assets, what went down on the deal they bought, and ultimately how the business is going.

In addition to all of that, you’ll also get insider interviews with other members of the Empire Flippers team so you can hear their views on where the industry is going.

You can listen to it here, or on your favorite podcast app.

5. The Real Money Real Business Podcast

If you want to listen to entrepreneurs that “built to sell” then this is the podcast for you. Every time a business goes for sale on our marketplace, if they’re at a certain price point, we do an interview of that entrepreneur to help our buyers make due diligence decisions. But, they do double duty as being an inspiring testament to what is possible for any entrepreneur out there in the hustle building their dream business.

You can listen to it here, or on your favorite podcast app.

6. The Empire Flippers youtube channel

This is our educational Youtube channel where we cover topics ranging from buying and selling online businesses to general marketing strategies, and entire investment business models.

It is currently hosted by our director of marketing Gregory Elfrink (that’s me, by the way). We try to publish 2 new videos per week, though I am always overly optimistic that one day I’ll be able to do more.

You can check out the Youtube channel here.

3 Other Useful Links for Buying and Selling

In addition to all the content channels above, if you’re looking to get your buying and selling journey started, you can use these links to help you get to your destination.

  1. Free automated valuation tool

We’ve done thousands of valuations using our automated tool. This tool pulls in real sales data from businesses we’ve sold on the marketplace to help you get an estimated valuation range of what your business could sell for on the open market.

Keep in mind this is an estimation. If you want a more detailed valuation, you’ll need to submit your business for sale with us. Still, this tool can give you a solid ballpark of what your business is worth in just five minutes, plus a bunch more information on how to prepare to sell your digital asset.

You can use our free valuation tool here.

2. Sell your business.

Self-explanatory, but if you’re ready to sell your business you can always use us if you want to. When you decide to sell with us and if we accept your business (we reject around 88% of the submissions that come our way), you’ll get direct access to our buyer database worth over $800 million in proof of investable funds.

Click here to sell your business.

3. Register for our marketplace.

For people looking to acquire digital assets, you can register for a free account to start using our technology platform to find, source, and qualify businesses that fit your criteria right away.

We’ve taken great pains to turn your journey of doing due diligence from taking weeks, to taking sometimes just minutes using the variety of search functions we have such as our advanced filters.

You’ll also be able to dive deeper into looking at businesses for sale more intimately when you show your proof of funds to acquire, allowing you to see the actual URLs of the businesses and communicate with the entrepreneurs selling.

Click here to register a free account.

Enjoy the Digital Investor Magazine!

We’ll keep this page updated as new announcements come, but we feel this gives you a solid overview of what we’re all about, what we’re hoping to achieve with the magazine, and in general to hopefully get you inspired to get involved (whether you use us or not).

Make sure to subscribe to the publication if you enjoy it and hey… share it with your friends. I would certainly love it if you did :-)

