13 Tips: Digital Transformation & Cultural Transformation

Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Published in
3 min readJan 20, 2020

Written by Sam Johnston, CMO at BookingLive

Welcome to the Top 13 tips: Digital Transformation & Cultural Transformation. Sam Johnston CMO at BookingLive offers 13 top Public Sector tips for creating a successful digital transformation project as well as instigating cultural transformation.

Below we have outlined the overview of each tip. We will then go into detail for each tip, giving you insight into how a smart city project, can become a digital transformation success.

Bake cybersecurity into the company’s DNA

Savvy IT leaders no longer see security for instance just as a cost item, they bake it deeply into their value chains and use it as a differentiator against their less-secure rivals.

Put more emphasis on business outcomes

Rather than focusing on gaining efficiencies and contributing savings to the bottom-line, the focus lies more on building, enabling, and implementing new digital use cases that lead to top-line revenue growth.

Embrace new leadership styles

The new reality is that hierarchical thinking no longer works in today’s disruptive world. Successful IT leaders create work cultures where employees feel encouraged to try to solve small problems with iterative experiments. Employees’ willingness to experiment and improve is part of the broader phenomenon of ‘humble leadership, which is needed to provide continually developing and innovating smart cities.

Utilize change management

Maintaining agility is key when it comes to keeping up with the rate of adoption and meeting increasing customer demands. Smart IT leaders, therefore, implement and champion agile methodologies such as DevOps, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and simplified governance.”

As we have already discussed today, this simple on paper when being implemented by a team that is used to hard targets, and stagnant environments, the role of the leader here too is foster confidence and be an example in the change that needs to occur.

One bidder does not make them the lowest qualified:

It usually means there was something wrong with the Request For Proposal; tear it up and start over.

Consider being product vague in your bid/ search.

In other words, don’t over-specify what you want to buy, instead explain the problem you are trying to solve; let the experts present their solution or alternatives. With technology changing so fast, there may be a Next Best Thing out there you’ve never considered.

Consider trying commodity prices to longer-term contracts.

If your purchase involves a supply of resource — This creates partnerships, where swings in the price or fuel or other energy-related costs or resources can be adjusted at specified intervals.

Ask for cost breakdowns, then use the data to set targets.

It’s not uncommon to see aggregate prices for a road project (for instance) or development resource pricing be quite different across multiple bids, when the price of aggregate or development, for example, is not that elastic.

Ask for other suggestions.

A great standard line in an RFP is, “In the case of a similar or tie bid, what differentiator could you add that would make your submission more attractive for our community to consider?”

Consider a Best and Final Offer (BAFO) strategy.

There is an old adage in the world of sales and procurement; if you don’t ask, you’ll never get. Be bold! You (the customer) are in the driver’s seat and the bidders want your business. Use that to your advantage.

Send anybody involved with procurement to negotiations and other training classes.

Especially during second and further stages where inhouse pitches and presentations are made, this is the time for well-trained negotiation.

Consider “make vs. buy” comparisons.

You don’t have to own everything. Consider “make vs. buy” comparisons. If you can find a product or service on the open market which will allow you to deliver the service without jeopardizing quality, use this as a productivity gain to help offset the problem you will be facing in the future as you experience staff attrition.

Use a weighted Decision Analysis tool (PUGH)

Always build detailed bid comparisons to easily see key elements of a bid, and consider using a weighted Decision Analysis tool (PUGH) to quantify the value proposition.

More thought leadership

Originally published at https://digileaders.com on January 20, 2020.

