4 digital tech trends for 2020

Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2020

Written by Jo Burns-Russell, Marketing Manager, Reed Professional Services

2020 is well underway. Plans are being drawn up, budgets allocated, so there’s no better time to look at a few of the digital tech trends we can expect to see in 2020. Some of the trends we’ve come across are continuing trends from the last few years, while others are new technologies or new implementations of existing technology.

1 — AI & Automation

It’s no surprise this is high up in many lists of 2020 Digital Technology trends. It’s a trend that’s been building up steam in the last few years and is showing no sign of slowing down. The reasons why aren’t hard to understand. AI has potential everywhere from simple data handling to complex client interaction. They key here is to make sure AI and Automation are implemented in a way that’s meaningful and useful. It needs to be quicker and more convenient than the manual alternative. Any AI implemented also needs to be scalable and future-proofed, able to grow and change with your business without significant overhauls and the associated costs.

2 — The Internet of Things & Inter-Connectivity

Another trend that’s grown significantly in the last few years. More and more products and services are including web-connected technology, and more and more of these products come with web-based service packages. Smart vehicles, smart homes, smart cities. The level of interactivity between different products and services is set to explode in 2020. All this inter-connectivity means more data, more insights, and more complexity. To properly take advantage of this trend, companies will need robust data management tools and policies, as well as thorough process maps and models.

3 — Data Privacy

Coming hand-in-hand with developments in AI and data connectivity is data privacy. The last few years have seen huge firms affected by data breaches, the Cambridge Analytica scandal, and the advent of GDPR. The data landscape is changing quickly, and people are more conscious than ever about how their data is stored and used. Organisations need to have robust policies in place, not just to ensure data is handled properly and securely, but also to ensure everyone knows what to do should the worst happen.

4 — Cloud Technology

Cloud technology has made data handling and remote working that much easier, but as the digital world gets more complex, with more connected devices and data, it’s imperative that the implemented cloud solutions are fit for purpose. Solutions need to be secure against data breaches, but also easy to access by all those who need them. They need to be fast, ensuring that those working remotely can do so efficiently. Multi-cloud solutions — where multiple cloud vendors are engaged instead of a single one — can help solve some of these issues, but can also make upgrading cloud solutions more difficult. Companies will need to carefully vet each proposed cloud solution to make sure it’s right for them and their organisation.

Originally posted here.

More thought leadership

Originally published at https://digileaders.com on January 22, 2020.

