The IT Function in the Digital Age

Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2017

Written by Kuldip Sandhu, MD at Innovative Quality Solutions

“What does digital mean for the IT function, and how can your IT function transform to adapt?”

The identity of IT within an organisation is amid a seismic shift thanks to the myriad developments in technology, consumer behaviour and business best practice. These developments include:

  • The increasing desire for an Optimum, Uncompromised Technology Experience for staff and customers ‘anytime, anywhere’
  • The emergence of the Internet of Things — the blurring of the physical and virtual world — allowing the IT landscape to grow dramatically. This ranges from the ubiquity of smartphones and tablets to developments in wearable technology and smart buildings
  • Increasing enthusiasm for Computing Everywhere and Advanced Analytics equipping organisations with the ability to manipulate, interpret and make informed business decisions based on Big Data from countless and increasing sources
  • The Consumerization of Technology shifting the balance of power away from IT as other parts of the organisation have increasing autonomy over IT spend
  • Developments in Social Technologies and changes in Workplace Demographics and Attitudes enabling staff to demand more organisational transparency and the democratisation of data
  • The proliferation of data and connected devices increasing the threat and consequences of cyberattacks

The Business Impact

In this new digital era, businesses are asking whether their IT function can meet the expectations of its organisation and customer base whilst maintaining a focus on current priorities around security, maintaining BAU and managing technology risk. Whether IT matches this expectation and continues to deliver value rests on its ability to overcome the following challenges:

  • The need for IT to act in two speeds
  • The governance of Shadow IT
  • Managing IT demand/supply through Business Relationship Management
  • Breaking Organisational Silos
  • Business Process Reinvention

The changes described above form the base that defines the digital business age. To enable today’s enterprises to focus on current priorities around security, maintaining BAU and managing technology risk, they need a dependable service partner to drive their technology needs in this ever-changing digital economy.

Originally published at on November 9, 2017.

