Why free is diverse

Digital Leaders
Digital Leaders
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2019

Written by Robin Knowles, CEO Digital Leaders

If you are a leader in the UK, in any sector, then I urge you to take full advantage of Digital Leaders Week 2019, starting on Monday 17 June.

Join us for one of many face-to-face events around the UK, or tune in to an online event from wherever you’re based. Events can help with your own development as well as benefiting your organisation. Taking part will inspire you and allow you to share, learn and network with fellow leaders delivering change through digital transformation.

Whether you are running a charity, local government team, hospital, startup, or larger enterprise, you will find something to interest and inspire you in our diverse programme of events across our ten UK regions and spanning four main sectors.

Digital Leaders Week has been made possible by the inspirational community of 95,000 organisational leaders that make up our platform. So far, over 150 of these individuals have set up some incredible events under the Digital Leaders Week banner.

Whether you would like to discover the latest emerging tech; brush up on your basic digital skills; feed your views into a debate on AI ethics; or meet other entrepreneurs transforming how we use digital in the UK — there are over 230 events and over 15,000 places available to book today.

Why free you ask? If it has value then surely I should need to pay for it?

Digital Leaders has been free to take part in since 2009.

We believe that free removes barriers. It fills rooms with cross-sector leaders irrespective of their resources or budgets. It embraces leaders on the way up — those without budgets — those starting out — those at the top of their game, and those coming down the other side.

Free creates environments where you get more “light bulb” moments, it introduces you to those you otherwise would never meet. It helps you find out your unknown unknowns.

Free is inclusive, its diverse and it gets you out of your bubble.

Digital disruptors can change your sector beyond recognition — they may even replace your job. However, they will not be at your next industry conference: they do not share your qualifications or career path, and they are not constrained by rules and budgets.

If you are to be prepared for the digital future, you should make the effort to meet these digital disruptors, and the Digital Leaders format makes this more likely. Events have been described as eclectic, senior, fascinating and eye-opening.

We are all busy, but leaders know they need to keep learning, to find new inspiration and to build a supportive network around them as they take their organisations on its journey of digital transformation.

So no excuses, Digital Leaders Week is a great moment to get out of your bubble and, forgive the pun, free yourself!

Digital Leaders Week 2019

Originally published at https://digileaders.com on May 22, 2019.

