What Can You Learn from Your Child

Igor Kostyuchenok
Digital Legacy
Published in
2 min readJul 9, 2014


As a grownup with multiple years of experience in any given industry, we tend to acquire the fears and habits that are blocking us from being happy and productive and just in general to live our lives to the fullest.

Good that we at least are still courageous enough to give life to our kids. Spend the most time you can with your little ones and learn from them. And you can learn from them quite a lot.

- Be curious: everything around you is interesting and cool. Nature, buildings, cars, people, insects — literally everything. Look around you and inspire yourself.

- Be fearless (to a certain extent): try out new things. You will have fun snowboarding or surfing, riding bike or taking pictures. You will fall down, yes, but after you stood up a couple of times you will now that nothing bad has happened and it was all worth it.

- Be open-minded: the color of the skin, race, age — are all just the concepts that children don’t care about — for them we are all just bigger versions of them. Let’s act the same way. We are all one big family.

- Be tenacious: have you seen a child wanting something really badly. He’ll do anything to get what he wants — no matter what. If you are not trying hard enough, maybe you don’t really want it.

And just don’t forget that the your life is happening right now.

