About our upcoming AGM, 26th Sept 2018

Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective
2 min readSep 12, 2018


The Digital Life Collective will be holding our first AGM on Sept 26th 2018 and encourage all members to attend. This is an important part of our governance, and our first board elections will be held at the AGM.

Date and time: Sept 26th 2018 at 16:00–18:00 UTC (9–11am West Coast, 12–2pm East Coast, 5–7pm UK)

  • This is a members only meeting as formal votes may be held
  • Where: Zoom, link to be confirmed

What is the AGM all about?

  • This is our first formal AGM. It is a requirement of our setup as a co-op that we hold an AGM at this time and that certain formalities are carried out.

Our agenda

  • Meeting process introduction
  • Acceptance and welcome for new members
  • Minutes of the General Meeting, Friday 22 June, and any matters arising
  • Report on Collective governance
  • Report from the board including financial position
  • Accounts arrangements — choice of accountant and request to postpone full report
  • Election of board
  • Our purpose: paper and resolution for vote, from Laura James
  • Our purpose: paper and resolution for vote, from Philip Sheldrake

Board election info

  • At the AGM all current board members will resign and a new board will be elected. Not all the current board will be standing for re-election.
  • What being on the board means: being on the board of the UK cooperative; taking on legal and fiduciary duties as per our rules
  • Any member can stand for election. Check the Rules for more info.
  • If you have questions, email current board at info@diglife.com



Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective

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