About the Digital Life Collective

Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective
1 min readNov 4, 2017
Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

The Digital Life Collective researches, develops, funds and supports Tech We Trust: technologies that prioritize our autonomy, privacy and dignity. Our tech, not their tech.

The norm today is Tech We Don’t Trust. Every time we engage with digital technologies, we should ask — what’s actually going on here? — and the answer is too typically illusive.

We cannot wait for the invisible hand of the market to help solve this. If anything, it seems to guide many companies in the opposite direction for now. We cannot wait for governments to solve this either. In short, we need to co-operate. And that’s why we exist, why we are incorporated as a co-operative, and why we need you to join us.

For more information on the technology front, see Tech We Trust. For more on how we’re organising ourselves, see How we’re making it happen.

We invite you to nurture Tech We Trust with us. After all, if we don’t do it …



Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective

DWeb | Web 3 | Systems thinking | Sociotechnology | Unnamed Labs | Generative identity | Open Farming | The hi:project