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Digital Life Collective member newsletter — lots going on

Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective
3 min readNov 9, 2018


Let’s jump right in.


We invite you to contribute to an experiment in network coordination. This survey is intended to help the network understand itself: who is here, what are our skills and interests, how are we each willing and able to contribute, what do we want to learn, etc.

Some responses to the survey will be input into a data visualization tool for members to use for facilitating coordination, decision-making, and ‘network weaving’. It will also help us form initial work teams, evolve the member orientation process, and structure the personalized navigation portal being developed.

Rest assured that the data will be handled according to GDPR regulations and the Collective’s Privacy Policy. We hope to send out the map of responses in our next member newsletter.

If you have 5 mins before the end of Monday, please do complete it.


We have an “Expression of Interest” (EOI) proposal submitted to NESTA for “experiments that test how human and machine intelligence can be combined to solve social challenges”. We’ll let you know what we hear! We are excited to move forward with our collective sense-making experiment regardless of funding from this particular effort. If you’re interested in how we plan to develop collective sense-making, human and machine intelligence, and a socio-technical stack with NESTA and the Collective, please check out our collaborative masterpiece (aka the EOI submission) here.

Migration plan

The Collective is getting close to migrating all members to a new set of tools & protocols! As part of the migration, we will finally get our work on self-organization in work teams going with self-governance through open participatory inquiry, along with some other exciting new tools for the Collective. All of this will be introduced through a “portal”, a new website that is only for members and will give you access to all of your needed services and work teams. You will also be able to request access to more sensitive tools which will make onboarding team members a breeze.

For a preview of the portal, visit this link to the dev site (note: not always up), and type your Mattermost username into the box. FYI, here’s an overview of the migration plan. As always, your comments are welcome (in the Google doc for now please).

Next general meeting

Quick heads up that our next general meeting is at 17:00 UTC, Wednesday 28th November. Put it in your diary now if you can make it, and we’ll send more details in good time.

Best regards,

Philip, Sophia, Joachim and Christina, on behalf of the Member Relations team.


Answer our survey by end-Monday please.
Thank you!

Share your writing!
Did you know we offer all our members a blog page for thoughts relevant to digital life? Discover how to create your member page and first post here.

Preview our upcoming member Portal
(link in development, check back if it doesn’t load)


How do I join the conversation at

The welcome email included login details, otherwise please email

Where’s the welcome guide?
Just click here.

Where can I find all the newsletters?
Right here.



Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective

DWeb | Web 3 | Systems thinking | Sociotechnology | Unnamed Labs | Generative identity | Open Farming | The hi:project