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Meet your seven Co-operative directors

Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective
3 min readOct 10, 2018


As required, all directors stood down at the AGM (annual general meeting) on the 26th September, and a new board was elected. This email is from your new board … and when we write “meet” in the email title here, we don’t just mean “read this email”. On the contrary, we’d love to find some time in your diary to meet properly, on- or offline, and get to know each other.

For your information, here are the AGM minutes and video recording. Below you’ll find some brief details about the directors and an update regarding our governance … co-operation you can trust :-)

Christina Bowen
I am a knowledge ecologist. I look at how knowledge and information flows in communities and organisations. I am interested in how systemic views of those flows can better support individual, cooperative and organizational learning.

Jim Whitescarver
I am a collaborative systems distributed application specialist with vast experience in privacy and security. My focus is on building strong anonymous identity in a trustworthy cyberspace employing innovative blockchain technology and formal process mechanisms.

Graham Mitchell (Chair of the Collective)
I have diverse experience and skills both in the private and third sectors, including business start-up, sales and marketing, project management, business management and development, and strategic planning. I’m a strong advocate for cooperative/collaborative solutions and business models.

Philip Sheldrake (Secretary of the Collective)
I am a technologist, Chartered Engineer, and architect of the Web Science Trust endorsed hi:project. I work with the AKASHA Foundation at the intersection of blockchain and collective intelligence on the design and application of self-sovereign technologies towards the development of sustainable planetary systems.

Roy Brooks
An advertising creative by profession, my involvement with IT marketing over the last thirty years has given me a broad understanding of how technology impacts people on the street and behind their desks. I’m a co-founder of Gildedsplinters; a distributed ideation network bringing together creative thinkers from a wide variety of specialisms including the creative industries, law and academia.

Shaun Fensom
I have specialist expertise in the development of digital and on-line business sector for economic and social progress; business case and implementation of digital infrastructure including “next generation” broadband; innovation using community and mutual ownership in digital sector and infrastructure businesses.

Steve Taylor
I have 25+ years experience in technology, 15 of those working in Asia. My career prior to my current role in marketing open source collaborative engineering at Linaro splits into four areas: software marketing from start-up to pre-IPO, world-leading Taiwanese ODM hardware marketing and sales, online media development for a high-tech daily newspaper, and corporate communications.

Self-governance and Self-organization
A few weeks ago, we kicked-off a new governance model for the Collective through a Call for Clarity. We’ve received some good feedback (see in the comments and in the Mattermost Inquiry Channel) and are now ready to follow-up with a Call for Objection. This card provides you with an opportunity to raise any serious issues or concerns you may see with the governance model (or, conversely encourage us to speed up a bit!). We’ll open this participatory process now and will close it in about a week before we move into a Call for Action to get the process rolling.

Best regards,

Your new board.


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Philip Sheldrake
Digital Life Collective

DWeb | Web 3 | Systems thinking | Sociotechnology | Unnamed Labs | Generative identity | Open Farming | The hi:project