A Simple Strategy For Building A Global Network Isn’t About You 

Your Plan Has To Make The Network A No-Brainer For Its Users — Not Its Builder 

Anastasia Ashman
Global Niche
2 min readNov 8, 2013


Which one of these is a ‘simple’ strategy for building a global network of people who have a range of digital abilities: a pervasive, cohesive presence with many online doors — or one room in graveyard of the web?

Which one of these is a ‘simple’ digital strategy (true story!) of an organization that aims to build a global network from a millions-strong list of women it’s loosely associated with:

1) a pervasive, cohesive presence across multiple social networking services, a community with free flow of information — with windows into other related rooms of your peers and corridors you can go down if and when you are ready, willing, able, that is, when are you motivated and enabled to connect and pursue what appeals to you about this gathered community, OR,

2) one room on a service known for not-loving its group functionality, a service littered with the skeletons of well-intentioned groups, a room that is ‘easy’ to open?

When you find yourself looking for a simple strategy to connect all your important people…

so they can finally get off an inert list of names and start to build closer ties; so you can ambiently be aware of your peers on a consistent basis, so you all can see each other and learn what everyone is up to; so you recognize your commonalities and your opportunities to collaborate; and so you can TAKE ACTION on your shared goals using the cost-effective, labor-saving, reach-amplifying online communication tools available in 2013;

…ask yourself this.

Simple for whom?

Is your plan simple for you, the community builder? Or is it simple for the community waiting to happen?



Anastasia Ashman
Global Niche

Advisor to Startups, Investors, & Accelerators | Entrepreneur | 6JJKpU