Scription > DLx v0.11.0

Daniel W. Hieber
Digital Linguistics
1 min readAug 2, 2020

Version 0.11.0 of the scription2dlx library is now released! The scription2dlx library is a JavaScript / Node package for converting interlinear glossed linguistic texts to JSON format. The texts to convert should be formatted in scription format (a simple text format that follows conventions for interlinear glosses, with a few extra rules to make sure they can be parsed by a computer), and the output will be JSON formatted according to the Data Format for Digital Linguistics (DaFoDiL).

What’s New in this Release

  • NEW: Support time duration lines (\t), representing the start and end times of an utterance, formatted as SS.MMM-SS.MMM (seconds and milliseconds).
  • NEW: When an error is thrown, the error message now displays metadata about the utterance, to help you locate and fix the problematic utterance.
  • CHANGE: Note lines (\n) may now have the backslash code \n at the start of the line, even if the rest of the lines in the utterance do not.
  • CHANGE: Extra whitespace is now removed from the output data.
  • ENHANCEMENT: The note.source property is now only added to the note when data for that property is present.
  • FIX: Remove angle brackets from the transcriptions of infix morphemes.
  • FIX: Problem where notes weren’t populating properly.

Try out the scription2dlx library yourself here!

