Scription > DLx v0.6.0

Daniel W. Hieber
Digital Linguistics
1 min readMay 12, 2019

Version 0.6.0 of the Scription > DLx JSON converter has just been released. You may notice that this release skips several minor versions. This is to bring the version number of this scription2dlx library in line with the version number of the Scription format itself. Going forward, the version numbers of the repository and the scription2dlx parser will be kept in sync. That way, you can always choose exactly which version of the Scription format you need to parse, and use the correct parser for it. Each version of the scription2dlx library is available on the DLx CDN, following the URL schema, where #.#.# is the version number you’d like to use.

Notable Changes in this Release

  • NEW: adds support for the source line (\s)
  • NEW: adds support for emphasis, using asterisks (*) (the scription2dlx library will strip any asterisks from most lines, but will not throw an error when it encounters it)
  • CHANGE: single quotes (curly or straight) are now stripped from utterance-level translation lines (literal and free translations)

