US Census 2020

The US Census occurs every ten years and serves to count the population of the United States. Something that seems simple in concept a count — 1, 2, 3 has phenomenal impact. The census provides crucial data to lawmakers, business and others to support and serve various communities. The census also plays an important role in federal funding. This year, the census will be collected and it’s the 24th time it’s counted the entire population since 1790. 2020, marks an important year as this is the first-time people can respond by mail, phone or online. Technology has opened another pathway for this critical data to be collected. Technology also provides a platform for those to voice how important the census is. But what is a great tool, can also pose a huge risk.

With the online option, experts expect the response rate to increase by 30 bps. Given that many are home looking for things to do and make a positive impact during the pandemic, the online option of the census can increase participation. Tech platforms like Facebook, Nextdoor, Google and Twitter give the appropriate authorities the access to promote completion of the census. These platforms have also stepped up in de-ranking and de-promoting suspicious content. Of course, not every resident will fill out the census online. To make sure each resident does complete the census, the Census Bureau visits residents door to door which can be extremely time consuming. With satellite imagery and digital maps, only 35% on addresses will require visits compared to 100% in the 2010 census. In so many ways, technology through advancements and tools has hopefully increased the success of this massive undertaking. But where a tool can provide many opportunities can also pose risks.

With the census now online we could encounter cyberattacks, a highway of misinformation and interference. There have been reports of many census hoaxes, especially now with sites tying the census completion to the stimulus package. Before the census launch the system had already been victim to 2 attacks from IP addresses in Russia. Of course, when the public is aware of these attacks and interferences it only increases the public’s mistrust.

But the public needs to have trust in the census especially for historically undercounted populations. Historically, Black and Hispanic communities, homeless and renters are undercounted. Being undercounted puts these communities at risk severely in several ways. Essence publication states “The stakes of undercounting are high: When African-American communities are undercounted, political districts may not accurately represent residents, denying Black people full representation. This could also impact how federal funding is allocated to communities that are disproportionately Black. In addition, the federal government relies on census data to monitor discrimination and enforce civil rights laws including voting rights and equal employment opportunity. Despite the risk of undercounting, local leaders can work to ensure that more people are counted in next year’s census.”

The census provides data to make decisions around federal funding that goes into hospitals, fire departments, schools, roads, etc. We’re seeing federal funding play a role as the Covid-19 plays out and the impact it has on our hospitals and other frontline resources. While technology comes with many risks, we must ensure the tools have a more positive impact so that those who’ve been forgotten and unaccounted for can have a voice for positive change.



