More magazine on the Web

Melissa Matthews
3 min readOct 6, 2015


More is a women’s lifestyle publication geared towards the 40s+ woman. Their content ranges from fashion to health and relationships. The website is easy to navigate, with articles on the homepage clearly tagged in their respective categories, for example, fashion. While the content is well produced with nice photos and great writing, SEO is highly overlooked. However, the publication does include links to other websites as well as links to articles readers might be interested in.

My impression of is that the online features are either taken from the print version of the publication or that they are written for the web but with a print mindset. The headlines are creative but some are vague and would not show up in search results.

Fashion Aficionado: Your Next White Shirt,” is a brief article about three new ways to wear the classic white shirt. However, the headline does not accurately reflect what consumers would type if they were searching for an article about the classic button down white shirt. If I were looking for styling help, I would google, “How to wear a button down shirt,” “Classic button down shirt,” “White button down shirt,” “Class white shirt,” “How to wear a white shirt” and “How to style a button down shirt.” A better fit for the title would be: “3 New Ways to Wear the Classic White Shirt.”

The article also doesn’t use keywords as frequently as it should. Simple tweaks like changing the page headers to be more straightforward and include keywords would be an easy start. Instead of the “Best in Dress,” header, something more straightforward like “The Modern White Shirt” not only sets up what the section is about, but includes important keywords. also does not use any keywords in the backend of their system. When looking at the page source information, I could not find any keywords that were used, and the meta tag doesn’t include keywords either. However, the magazine does link out to the companies where you can purchase the products and also includes photos on each page, which are good SEO elements to incorporate.

More featured the style of actress Caitlin FitzGerald in their article, “Knit and Whimsy.” The title of the piece gives no indication at all of what the story is about. A clearer title that incorporates keywords could be,
“Actress Caitlin FitzGerald Talks About Her Style” or “Dress like Actress Caitlin FitzGerald.”

Again, the subheads don’t include SEO and are interesting but vague. The section titled, “Needle Points,” could change to “Soft Knit Sweaters,” to incorporate keywords for what that section is about. Again, there are no keywords listed in the backend of the page and the meta description doesn’t include keywords. Links to the products so readers can buy the items is a good SEO inclusion and I like how the magazine provides a list of related subjects that readers can click on to find out more. They also include really great photos of the actress, which works really well to tell the story as well as for SEO.

The article, “Disney CEO: Why I Hire Veterans” has a better headline than most of the articles on the site, but it still has areas for improvement. “Disney CEO Roger Iger Hires U.S. Military Veterans” is a more specific headline with additional keywords like “U.S.” “Roger Iger” and “Military.”

Again, More doesn’t list keywords in the source code, which is just one extra thing they can do to enhance the webpage. The resources for veterans listed do include the links, but it would be better if the names were hyperlinked instead of just including the link next to the mention. Even though a photo is included, a better photo would be of an actual veteran hired by Disney or even a headshot of the Disney CEO as the stock photography isn’t the best.

More magazine’s audience is older, so they might not view SEO as a driving force for their publication. The magazine is likely to have a loyal following from the print service who casually check out their site. However, to maximize their space on the web, the magazine should boost their SEO efforts to reach a broader adult audience that is web savvy.

