Md. Nazrul Islam aka SocialMusker
Digital Marketer
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2015

Online marketing also known as internet marketing is growing massively because of increasing users of internet in whole over the world. As more peoples are getting involved with online using internet thus internet marketing becomes a trustful and fruitful way to knock more peoples then others way of marketing.

There are lots of people are getting involved with internet and using social networking sites like Facebook or Google Plus is one of the major example. More over 500 Million peoples are on Facebook over almost 200 nations on it through using internet, can you imagine how much it can influence on the society? On the other side don’t say anything about Google! However, for marketing on internet everybody we know, first of all we have to need a website or blog or something that make sure the presence on internet.

Virtual Marketing Tree

If we consider internet marketing as a virtual (Online) tree, then all branches should like Social Media Marketing (Shared content, blogging, social networks etc), public relations (Press release, white paper, articles etc), online advertising (Affiliates, ad networks, blogs etc), search engine marketing (SEO, PPC etc), directories and listings (free listing, paid listing, portals, rating & review, lead generation), email marketing (lists, design & develop, deploy, measure) etc. are its branches.

These all branches will be perfectly growing up when there is a website like landing station of everything. Where the website also depends on research (situation, competition, and audience), content writing (relevant, benefit driven, organized), branding (focused, clear, brand message, compelling), strategy (attract, multiply, engage, convert), design (credible, usable, flexible) and development (rich media, validation, web standards).

However the research, strategy, branding, and contents of your website that is considered as root is well fertilized, planned, deep planting it becomes jump over from the ground of soil. It will find a healthy growth for future growing on internet like a forest. After that when the design and development becomes furnished and flexible it will start speeding branches over the internet sky.

The branches of the tree like Social Media Marketing to Email marketing; from search engine marketing to online advertising etc. all branches has their growing strategy like what’s way they are growing. Internet marketing has its huge area on internet. It’s really difficult to focus the internet marketing just a concept from virtual tree.

So this is all about the brief life of an internet marketing tree.

Originally published at on July 4, 2013.



Md. Nazrul Islam aka SocialMusker
Digital Marketer

My name is Md. Nazrul Islam (aka SocialMusker- A Man Who Loves You!); a blogger, an entrepreneur who runs '' ''; thus ContentPReneur!