How to get 100 followers on instagram in 1 week!

The preferred digital marketing solution in Singapore.

Instagram had grew from a fun apps where uploading of nice and interesting photo to now a content marketing, selling and networking building tools for brands. It is now one of the most popular social media with over 200 millions users.

Being a Digital Marketing Company, knowing how to get traction fast is essential to our business and here are some of the quick tips on how we got 100 followers within a week!

Complete your Profile

First and Foremost, completing your profile will allow instagram to consider your account as appropriate to be displayed. Having a completed account also allows users to know more about your business, and able to navigate to the place they need.

Making Full Use of #Hashtags

Hashtags the next most interesting invention to social media, bringing the world of topics to a whole new level, helping those who are interested in the similar or related topics to your brand, industry or products to find you!

Follow Your interest group and comments regularly

Check out the new kids on the block, that might just be what is coming through your fellow interest group thoughts as they see you commenting and sharing the post regularly. They will take notice of you and even click on your profile to check out on you as well. That is when you will gain traction and eventual followers from there.

Describe more in your caption

Pictures speak a thousand words, but that did not write off the fact that you can write more to express yourselves better! Put in more description to your caption today so that even those who did not understand the image, understood your caption.

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Digitization Coach | Adrian Soon
Digital Marketing Buzz

I trained business owners how to digitise their businesses, and achieve great result in digital marketing.