Growing my Instagram Followers Day 1

Digitization Coach | Adrian Soon
Digital Marketing Buzz
2 min readMay 13, 2022
Grow my Instagram followers

If you are here to find out how to grow your Instagram, you are at the wrong place already!

I created this post to keep it as a Journal for growing my Instagram followers.

Day 1 of my adventure rediscovered my old account, which I had not been using since 2017. As a Digital Marketer myself, I felt growing my own IG account is a critical task to do! Yeah, I know after such a long time!

So as usual what I always do with my customers, I apply all these myself.

Step 1 — Understand My Positioning

I stated very clearly who am I on my Description so that those who chance upon my IG, will know what kind of package they are getting.

Step 2 — My Offering (AKA Content)

This is usually the toughest and the most interesting part as well. Creating a compelling post to engage my community and audiences with the following:

  • Using Interesting Images.
  • Keep your Posting relevant and short.
  • Research and use relevant hashtags to increase your search exposure.

Step 3 — Get a nice image for the Profile picture

This is highlighted by my staff as previously my image is not very engaging and interesting, so I dig into my photo gallery, and luckily I manage to find one decent photo which quite relevant to who am I as a person. Want to see my profile picture? Click here to check out my IG account.

Follow me on my IG account today!

Currently, my IG account only has 201 followers and mostly are families and friends. In the coming weeks, I will work on growing my followers with interesting content and posting. STAY TUNED!



Digitization Coach | Adrian Soon
Digital Marketing Buzz

I trained business owners how to digitise their businesses, and achieve great result in digital marketing.