
Laura Tate

Article from: Crackerjack Scribe — Real Content | Real Social Media

social media marketing tips

I recently watched a video from iMedia with Carlos Gil talking about what it is to be a brand, or a business on social media. He hit at the heart of the matter: People are not using social media to be sold something. They are there to socialize and to engage.

As a business or a brand, it’s very important to remember this. If you constantly promote yourself or your service or your products without trying to engage with users on a personal level, you are going turn your fans off. If you are not offering something useful or interesting, they will not become brand loyalists and advocates.

In addition to the social media marketing tips I offer below, a good way to approach using social media is to make yourself the customer. If you were your own customer, what is it that you would like to see when you’re scrolling through your Facebook or Twitter news feed, or any other social media network?

Most likely it would be something entertaining, interesting, informative or educational. Keep this in mind when creating content for your blog, or to share on your social media networks.

Here are some more social media marketing tips for brands or businesses:

1. Create Useful Content

Think about questions somebody would have about your business, products, services or your industry.

For instance, my blog is filled with tips and advice on how to use social media to market your business. Anyone who wants to market their own business and doesn’t have a budget to hire somebody, can use the information I share to do it on their own.

How does this help my business, and your business?

It creates brand awareness. You’re sharing valuable information that will help people, and in turn, they will remember you and your business.

While many of your fans/followers may not be in need of your services or products at the time they are learning about you, down the road when they do, they will remember all the valuable advice and information you gave them. They will remember your and your business as experts in your field. And who do people call when they need help? Experts, of course.

2. Create Compelling Graphics

There’s a great deal of free content out there: some good, a great deal bad. But the content that gets the most attention right away has compelling headlines, and eye-catching graphics.

Don’t let your great content get lost among the noisy overcrowded feeds.

Use an app like Adobe Spark Post or Typorama to create visuals for your blog or your social media channels that will grab attention.

Also, use bright colors to stop people in their tracks. Here’s an interesting article on the use of color in marketing and branding.

3. Share responsibly

Don’t overload your fans and followers with too many shares of the same type of content. Different social networks are used differently treat well it’s OK to post 10 to 20 times on Twitter today, doing that much sharing on LinkedIn will quickly lose you followers.

My rule of thumb is to share:

  • 1 to 2 times a day on LinkedIn
  • 5 to 10 times a day on Twitter (if you’re going for a larger amount I suggest a 24 hour timeline for scheduling)
  • 3 to 5 times a day on Google Plus
  • 3 to 5 times a day on Facebook
  • 3 to 5 times a day on Instagram
  • 5 to 10 times a day on Pinterest

Of course, when you schedule more than several times a day on any social media network, spread out the times so you’re not bombarding people of the stream of content.

Also, check your social media stats to see if you’re getting response from your shares, and adjust accordingly.

4. Follow the 4 to 1 ratio

There are different ratios that digital marketers follow, such as 4 to 1 or 8 to 1. Regardless, make sure you don’t overshare content that’s just about your business.

For every four pieces of content you share, only one should be from your blog or should be promotional.

Share content from industry leaders, with thoughtful commentary. Your followers and fans will appreciated that you are taking the time to find useful information that may be useful to them.

5. Don’t just share, but engage

A very important part of using social media as a brand or a business, is to engage with your fan base. It’s just not all about sharing your content, but it’s also about sharing your fans content, and/or commenting on it. This will take your miles down the road as far as brand awareness and appreciation.

In Summary

Following these social media marketing tips will help you create content to create brand awareness, and to engage with your fans in an authentic manner. This will help cement lasting relationships with your fans and followers, who will potentially become your brand advocates and/or customers.

Read more at 5 Social Media Marketing Tips for Brands.

via Crackerjack Scribe http://ift.tt/2cBwESV

