10 Things I’ve Learned Since Starting My Blog

Faith Sellers
Digital Marketing for Millenials
4 min readApr 18, 2017
Faith Sellers

1. Consistency

The number one tip I can give people looking to maintain a successful blog is consistency. It’s essential in order to keep people coming back. It would be very difficult to maintain your readers’ interest if you posted 3 times one week, 1 time the next week, and then take a break for a week. We’re humans. We tend to forget. Staying consistent helps to remind your readers, “Hey, I’m still here.” So set yourself a goal for how many times you want to post each week, maybe even down to the days you post, and stick to it.

2. Content

You will hear this over and over and over again from bloggers. It honestly gets annoying, but it’s the truth. Content is King. Everyone and their dog could have a blog these days. So how do you set yourself apart from them? What makes your blog different, better, or unique? From the very first day I launched my blog, I wanted to be taken seriously. I learned that using professional photography makes a huge impact and your overall brand design should look professional. People care about these things.

3. Schedule Your Posts

I can go into more detail about editorial calendars later, but scheduling out your blog posts is a game changer. I didn’t start doing it right away simply because I didn’t know when to schedule my posts for. Once I began to use Google Analytics and other tools for blogging, I narrowed down the best days and hours to post. I prioritized those times and sat down 2–4 weeks before and planned out my blog posts, scheduling them to release at the pitch perfect time for traffic. It makes your life so much easier, I promise. Having a plan will allow you to create better content rather than sitting around at your computer trying to create a post all day.

4. Schedule Out Time

Setting time to really knock out some quality blogging makes a huge difference. Originally, I just worked on my blog whenever I had free time. When I started getting really serious, I worked on my blog 24/7 and lost touch with the real world (lol). I had to find a nice balance. So I schedule out specific times throughout my week to work on it all.

5. It Takes Time

It’s just the hard truth: It will take time to gain readers. Sucks, but it’s true. It will take time for companies to recognize you. They won’t collaborate with you from Day 1. You won’t immediately start making more money than you are spending. Honestly, if you’re in it for the money, please listen: there are much easier and faster ways to make money than by starting a blog. Trust. I only recommend starting one if you truly have a love and excitement for it.

You’ve probably heard the saying that most businesses take about two years to start making a profit. I can’t say a specific amount of time before you begin to notice gains from your blog, but that amount of time does depend on how much time and effort you put into it. You could lengthen that time or shorten it by working your ass off.

6. Don’t Compare Yourself

This is such a hard one for me in every aspect of my life. I have blogger friends who started at the same time as me and they grew exponentially. While I was so happy for them, it’s draining to let yourself get down because you aren’t where someone else is at. Everyone is different. We all have a different voice, a different style, a different look, and a different way of doing things. Do your own thing and don’t let comparison or numbers get in the way.

7. Always Have a Running List

Make a list in Notes on your iPhone or on the back of a receipt in your purse, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you have some sort of running list of all of your ideas. Ideas pop in your head so randomly throughout my day. From business collaborations to work with to new post ideas, some of them really turned out to be great. I consider those random bursts of inspiration important enough to write down and remember for later.

8. Put Yourself Out There

Going to local events and talking about your blog are obvious ways to put yourself out there. Those are a must, but so is putting yourself out there online. Part of your job as a blogger is to pitch to brands. Don’t wait around wishing brands would contact you. Comment on other bloggers’ content, make blogging friends, email companies, introduce yourself to employees at businesses that would make a good fit for your blog. Follow those companies online and interact with them!

9. Google Is Your Best Friend

Don’t know how to do something? Google it. Need inspiration? Google it. Contact info? Google it. Seriously. Google is filled with good information. From social media tips to setting up a blog and coding questions, Google has helped me more than any one person ever could have. There are online courses, webinars, e-books, and articles on just about everything in the blogging world- so Google it!


Stop waiting. Start small and come up with ways to collaborate with different brands, bloggers, and local businesses. Don’t let the word “no” defeat you. Once I let go of my fear of being turned down by people, my business grew so much more. What’s the worst they can do? Say “No”? I can handle that. Just work hard and it’ll pay off.

I hope what I’ve learned will help you in your blogging journey. I’m interested to hear what you’ve learned along the way. Comment below with your tips or questions, let’s discuss.



Faith Sellers
Digital Marketing for Millenials

Hi, I’m Faith. Model turned marketing amateur, writer, and content creator. I founded PureBrunette. Check it out! purebrunette.com