Marketing People Pay Attention. Consumers know you’re lying.

Faith Sellers
Digital Marketing for Millenials
2 min readApr 17, 2017

People can sense bullshit in your marketing.

Here’s a fact: People have an innate bullshit detector.

The bullshit detector, as I like to call it, can sense your crap and drop alerts. If your marketing is based on figures, promises, and expectations that are borderline false, it will get activated and your business will suffer. People are going to notice.

Sooo… you happen to be a bullshitter and you’re reading this thinking, “What do I do now?” Well, you can delay the inevitable death of your product by sugarcoating it with fancy copy, beautiful infographics, pretty social influencers, or a quick 20-second video.

But will it help? Nope.

Is there a way you can stop it from dying? Absolutely.


In the age of social media and an ever evolving digital playground, it is more important than ever to practice authenticity. No amount of advertising or content marketing is going to save your business if your marketing isn’t authentic.

You can dumb down your content for likes, comments, and shares. You can buy followers at unbelievably cheap rates. You can create first draft campaigns and rob people of their attention. Eventually, you can go around and shout that, “We have 100,000 fans on Facebook!”

But…so what?

Those are only numbers. All they are going to give you is a big ego and zero business.

Loyal following takes patience, efforts, and skills. It is not an overnight process. It is also not about who has more “fans,” but about who is more authentic.

So stop being gimmicky. Just stop. Hire people who can genuinely understand your audience and are willing to market with authenticity.

Cheap marketing tactics will only take you from Point A to Point B. They won’t get you the business you desire. In fact, they may hurt you in the long run. So don’t promise what you can’t deliver. What you should be doing: under-promise and over-deliver.

People can sense bullshit. And when they do, no “campaign” or marketing “tactic” can help you recover.

Honest marketing is scarce but it’s beautiful. Here’s to more of it.



Faith Sellers
Digital Marketing for Millenials

Hi, I’m Faith. Model turned marketing amateur, writer, and content creator. I founded PureBrunette. Check it out!