5 Hot Tips for Optimizing Your San Jose, CA, Website for SEO

Tom Lauck
Digital Marketing Ideas
3 min readDec 21, 2018


Website Optimization for SEO

When optimizing your San Jose, CA, company’s website for SEO, every element of it matters. Even the images on your website can help or harm your quest to become one of the top-ranking sites in your category. You likely have some sort of image on nearly every page of your website, which gives you plenty of opportunities to improve your SEO.

on our own
decades of experience
helping companies succeed in online marketing, here are a few ways you can ensure
your images are helping your SEO efforts rather than hindering them.

1. Use original pictures whenever possible

Google knows a stock image when they see
it. High-ranking sites have plenty of original content, and that extends
to pictures. If your website is covered in high-quality, original photography,
it will give your SEO
a boost. Additionally, a lot of users can recognize stock photos, so better
photography will increase your audience appeal as well.

2. Optimize file sizes for speed and mobile-friendliness

Google gives boosts to mobile-friendly websites
and that extends to how much data your site uses. Your images should be
optimized to be as small as possible, but without sacrificing visual quality, so
that your site loads quickly and doesn’t place a burden on users with mobile
data caps.

3. Always include captions and meta-data

Google’s search routines are smart, but
they still need help categorizing pictures. Filling out the HTML
meta-data for your images makes it easier for the search engine to properly
sort and rank your site. Captions do the same, with the added bonus that
they increase usability and readability for your users, something else Google’s
algorithms tends to reward.

4. Make sure your images are responsive

You should already be using responsive (aka
“adaptive”) designs so that your website experience translates
smoothly from desktop to mobile displays. However, make certain your
images are properly tagged and implemented so that they are responsive and
properly scaled based on display type.

5. Use descriptive, reader-friendly filenames

Never give your images file names which are generic (“picture.jpg”) or purely numeric (“124871412.jpg”). If you’ve got a picture of a happy dog at sunset, it should be named Happy-Dog-At-Sunset.jpg, with the date or time added. This is particularly important to help your pictures show up in Google Image Search because the filename is one major determining factor in the GIS search rankings.

For Unparalleled Expertise in San Jose SEO, You Need The HiveMind!

Founded in 1986, HiveMind Studios is one of the oldest and most experienced digital marketing companies, and we’ve worked with top brands from around the globe. To learn more about how we can take your SEO to the next level, contact us directly.

